Tag: Globalism

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As the state “withers away”, multinationals go on a rampage
As the state “withers away”, multinationals go on a rampage
July 25, 2024

Just as Engels predicted, the obviously moribund state is being replaced, only not by milkmaids but by multinational corporations.

Soros y la dinastía Rothschild eligieron: Kamala Harris
July 23, 2024

Soros y The Economist/Rothschild oficializan su apoyo a Kamala Harris para vencer a Trump tras la renuncia de Biden

Soros y la dinastía Rothschild eligieron: Kamala Harris
How the U.S. legalizes its criminal global surveillance of communications
How the U.S. legalizes its criminal global surveillance of communications
July 23, 2024

A few years ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin disclosed that he didn’t use any mobile phone communications. Should anybody be surprised?

CrowdStrike further tainted by worldwide crash
July 21, 2024

The company with F.B.I. links was responsible for a massive computer outage affecting airlines, banks, and hospitals, following its dodgy role in the Russiagate affair.

CrowdStrike further tainted by worldwide crash
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El orden económico mundial se está desmoronando
El orden económico mundial se está desmoronando
June 24, 2024

Continúan los lamentos del prestigioso semanario económico conservador The Economist. La edición del 9 de mayo, le dedica investigación, tinta y abundante frustración para comprobar, lo que califican, como el “lento desmoronamiento del orden internacional liberal” que predomino durante 40 años

El motín europeo ante un orden iliberal
June 23, 2024

El motín ha surgido porque muchos en Occidente ven con demasiada claridad que la estructura gobernante occidental es un «sistema de control» mecánico iliberal.

El motín europeo ante un orden iliberal
European mutiny at the illiberal order
European mutiny at the illiberal order
June 14, 2024

The mutiny has arisen because many in the West see only too clearly that the western ruling structure is an illiberal mechanical ‘control system’.

Meet the ‘new George Soros’ using front groups to influence elections
May 25, 2024

The following is an excerpt from Scott Walter’s “Arabella: The Dark Money Network of Leftist Billionaires Transforming America,” published by Encounter Books. It can be purchased here.

Meet the ‘new George Soros’ using front groups to influence elections
Editor's Сhoice