Tag: Capitalism

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A tecnologia está acelerando a revolução proletária mundial
A tecnologia está acelerando a revolução proletária mundial
July 25, 2024

Uma contradição do capitalismo moderno é que a necessidade de um mercado consumidor global, onde praticamente toda a massa populacional está inserida, faz com que os trabalhadores adquiram tecnologia e a usem para seus fins.

How technology is accelerating the global proletarian revolution
July 25, 2024

The objective conditions for the liberation of human beings already exist in most countries, it is only a matter of time before the subjective conditions for this are fully developed, Eduardo Vasco believes.

How technology is accelerating the global proletarian revolution
As the state “withers away”, multinationals go on a rampage
As the state “withers away”, multinationals go on a rampage
July 25, 2024

Just as Engels predicted, the obviously moribund state is being replaced, only not by milkmaids but by multinational corporations.

La tecnología está acelerando la revolución proletaria mundial
July 22, 2024

Las condiciones objetivas para la liberación de los seres humanos ya existen en la mayoría de los países, es sólo cuestión de tiempo antes de que las condiciones subjetivas para esto se desarrollen plenamente.

La tecnología está acelerando la revolución proletaria mundial
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Corporate Coup assassination excerpt: Venezuela’s Maduro on John Bolton’s plot to kill him
Editor's Сhoice
Corporate Coup assassination excerpt: Venezuela’s Maduro on John Bolton’s plot to kill him
July 17, 2024

Following the attempt on President Donald Trump’s life, Anya Parampil offers a detailed look back at the failed assassination of Venezuela’s President, Nicolas Maduro, and Washington’s role in the plot, in her new book, “Corporate Coup: Venezuela and the End of US Empire.”

Republican control in the states could give Trump victory
July 5, 2024

The Democrats and the big American bourgeoisie have no one with the same popularity as Donald Trump, Eduardo Vasco writes.

Republican control in the states could give Trump victory
The rise of California’s vanlords
Editor's Сhoice
The rise of California’s vanlords
June 13, 2024

A new class of landlord is exploiting the homeless

The summer of living dangerously
June 12, 2024

The plutocracy believes that afterwards they can buy the whole thing for a pittance while flies are still laying eggs in European carcasses.

The summer of living dangerously