Others envy the Congo its wealth and bigger powers, such as those who use the Congo’s cobalt, are prepared to collaborate with those savages for their own base ends.
Former Israeli prisoners acknowledge the respectful treatment they received from Palestinian soldiers during their captivity.
In the endless pursuit of profit maximization, everyone is sacrificed—immigrants and natives alike.
In the midst of one of humanity’s most disastrous crises, Donald Trump has found the courage to make very aggressive statements toward Palestine. We had no doubt, the American goal remains the same.
Does Trump understand anything at all about international law? Does he really understand anything about the Middle East?
Either Ukraine surrenders unconditionally – or the war show must go on. Meanwhile, let’s Keep on Trumpin’.
Though we do not have the financial firepower and formidable networks of the late Aga Khan, that is no bad thing, as we must now get the finger out, and not be dependent upon the Aga Khan or thugs like Kevin Mallon to do the heavy lifting for us.
We were just waiting for Donald Trump’s words on Palestine, and we had no doubt they would be bad.