Probably, only a common war against a common enemy can unite Muslims. And that could happen very soon.
Each day that passes, each murder committed by Zionist troops or settlers are steps towards the ethnic cleansing or extermination of the Palestinian people.
Anyone who wants to find out what is happening in the Middle East already knows that the Netanyahu government is guided by the goal of Greater Israel, which is so cherished by religious Zionism.
Russia’s growing military strength-coordinated with other SCO members above all-and China’s trade growth in mainland Asia will be the main counter-balances to the expansion of the OTS and the maintenance of Eurasia’s geopolitical stability.
Of course, a victory narrative was too valuable to be foregone. Yet nonetheless, unexplained events matter.
The Western hegemonic order is crashing. Another world, the “BRICS world,” is rising. Russia, China, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and also the Middle East will rise again after the certain demise of Israel.
Embracing the opportunities hidden in the project of an industrial revolution is a crucial step in choosing what ethical sense to give to the transformations that lie ahead.
The Kazan lab has laid out several geoeconomic road maps, and is seriously taking the inevitable roadblocks into account.