Tag: Xinjiang

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Uyghur Reality: West’s Insidious Agenda
Uyghur Reality: West’s Insidious Agenda
October 19, 2022

It is not difficult to see that fabricated fake news used to attack China is the result of a widespread propaganda campaign, Erkin Öncan writes.

NATO’s Xinjiang and Related Problems
August 30, 2022

Because China is bigger game, a bison rather than a hare, she needs much more firepower, many poison-tipped arrows to bring her and her Russian pal down to be bear rugs under America’s feet.

NATO’s Xinjiang and Related Problems
In London, Western-Style Rule of Law Was on Global Display
In London, Western-Style Rule of Law Was on Global Display
February 5, 2022

China left the propaganda field wide open to their opponents and failed to exploit the political opportunities the Uyghur tribunal presented.

Kazakhstan… Putting the Xinjiang in Context
January 12, 2022

As America continues to bleat on about human rights in China, it supports and promotes the head-choppers to whom it has granted a franchise, Eamon McKinney writes.

Kazakhstan… Putting the Xinjiang in Context
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‘Chinese Aggression’ Is Just China Responding to U.S. Aggression
Editor's Сhoice
‘Chinese Aggression’ Is Just China Responding to U.S. Aggression
December 19, 2021

The actual source of tensions between the US and China never actually has anything to do with “human rights” or “protecting” anyone; that’s just the narrative overlay pinned on top of the actual agenda.

How Not to Win an Olympic Gold Medal
December 8, 2021

In the annals of diplomacy, the White House official confirmation of a diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing might qualify at best as a disc thrower being hit by a boomerang.

How Not to Win an Olympic Gold Medal
Will a Renewed ‘Operation Cyclone’ Threaten Afghanistan’s New Silk Road Future?
Will a Renewed ‘Operation Cyclone’ Threaten Afghanistan’s New Silk Road Future?
September 22, 2021

The Chinese and their growing array of partners have come to the fundamental insight that the only way to destroy terrorism is not by bombing nations to smithereens, but rather by providing the means of improving the lives of people.

Geoffrey Nice’s Road Show Vindicates Our Prognosis
June 16, 2021

Geoffrey Nice confirmed the coordinated role of the Uyghur Tribunal’s and the previous “China Tribunal” in a continuous effort to put political pressure on China.

Geoffrey Nice’s Road Show Vindicates Our Prognosis