Tag: West Bank

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Trump’s Gaza plan is Israel’s long-term ethnic cleansing plan
Trump’s Gaza plan is Israel’s long-term ethnic cleansing plan
February 27, 2025

Trump set the wheels for further Israeli conquests in motion and there is little most of us outside of the notoriously risk averse Gulf States can or will do about it.

…And the Lord gave Abraham the land of Elon Moreh…
January 25, 2025

In the case of Elon Moreh we find all the fallacious condiments that feed the writing of current planetary history according to the Western slogans.

…And the Lord gave Abraham the land of Elon Moreh…
…E o Senhor deu a Abraão as terras de Elon Moreh…
…E o Senhor deu a Abraão as terras de Elon Moreh…
January 18, 2025

Habitantes do colonato de Elon Moreh tinham sido convidados para presenciar os acontecimentos. Alguns aplaudiram e exclamaram: “Belo espectáculo”.

When Israel becomes unbearable, the blame will be on the “far-right”
November 9, 2024

Anyone who wants to find out what is happening in the Middle East already knows that the Netanyahu government is guided by the goal of Greater Israel, which is so cherished by religious Zionism.

When Israel becomes unbearable, the blame will be on the “far-right”
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Israel’s War on Journalism
Editor's Сhoice
Israel’s War on Journalism
September 26, 2024

Israel keeps attacking Al Jazeera, assassinating journalists and bombing press offices for the same reason the mafia kills witnesses. They want to commit their crimes in the dark.

Closing hatches before rains founder the Western Vessel
September 16, 2024

The war is lost, and the struggle to keep the ‘enforced pretending’ going is breaking through, to be seen by all as a false reality.

Closing hatches before rains founder the Western Vessel
Plan israelí para impedir un Estado palestino
Plan israelí para impedir un Estado palestino
July 16, 2024

El plan para el robo de la Cisjordania es totalmente apoyado por Netanyahu y conforma la base para la actual coalición extremista de derecha judía que mantiene a Netanyahu en el poder – y fuera de la cárcel.

Israeli plan to prevent a Palestinian state
July 1, 2024

The plan to steal the West Bank is fully supported by Netanyahu, and forms a basis for the current right-wing Jewish extremist coalition keeping Netanyahu in power, and out of jail.

Israeli plan to prevent a Palestinian state