Tag: Aleksandar Vučić

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The U.S. and EU Sowing Serious Political Discord in Serbia
The U.S. and EU Sowing Serious Political Discord in Serbia
March 14, 2023

The Kosovo issue will be resolved in another set of geopolitical circumstances, which will come to being after the end of the conflict between the Collective West and Russia.

Serbia Will Regain Its Soul
March 1, 2023

How much can the dignity of a small, defiant nation that loves freedom above all else cost?

Serbia Will Regain Its Soul
What Exactly Connects the White House, Jerusalem, Belgrade and Pristina?
What Exactly Connects the White House, Jerusalem, Belgrade and Pristina?
September 9, 2020

What do a Serb and a Kosovo Albanian say to each other now when parting? Next year in Jerusalem!

Europe Uncensored: An Online Warning Shot
July 14, 2020

The name “Europe Uncensored” implies that the views expressed at the event have been oppressed unfairly, which is true.

Europe Uncensored: An Online Warning Shot
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Serbia Protest Explosion – Vučić Caught Between Coronavirus and Color Revolution
Serbia Protest Explosion – Vučić Caught Between Coronavirus and Color Revolution
July 10, 2020

The Serbia case of the coronavirus response and the new Covid political reality is so revealing of the entire global situation, because all of the factors and international players involved in this bizarre new reality, are all present in Serbia.

The Stench of Color Revolution in Serbia
March 8, 2019

Thousands of normal people on their own don’t just drop their lives for two months to walk around with signs in the hope of making some abstract changes.

The Stench of Color Revolution in Serbia
Serbia And Poland: Alt-Media’s Biggest Reversal?
Editor's Сhoice
Serbia And Poland: Alt-Media’s Biggest Reversal?
June 21, 2017

Governments don’t always represent the people, and nowhere is this clearer nowadays than in Serbia. Pro-Western Prime Minister-turned-President Alexander Vucic just appointed an openly gay Croatian woman and former USAID employee, Ana Brnabic, to run the government, pending her expected confirmation by parliament next week. This completely contradicts the conservative values-based and multipolar identity that the majority of Serbs adhere to. In an of itself, Brnabic’s ethnicity, gender, and sexual identity are her personal affairs, with only her political views and work history being most directly relevant to the majority of Serbs due to her proposed leadership position, but nevertheless, the ‘full package’ is concerning to many because of what it represents.

For the Balkans, Trump is No Different Than Obama
May 3, 2017

To have taken U.S. President Donald Trump’s campaign promises seriously, one would have believed that the United States would cease its constant attempts to replace governments it does not like with compliant regimes through the counter-democratic process of provoking «themed» or «color» revolutions. As global interventionists and neo-conservatives continue to worm their way into the Trump administration, U.S. policy in the Balkans under Trump is not much different than it was under Barack Obama.

For the Balkans, Trump is No Different Than Obama