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Scandinavians, the world’s happiest people, love killing for the USA, Part VI
Editor's Сhoice
Scandinavians, the world’s happiest people, love killing for the USA, Part VI
February 8, 2025

Britain and the United States have had Russia (and the Soviet Union previously) in their sights to grab since its October 1917 socialist revolution, led by the Communist Party. Britain engaged Russia in war even before that. The British-Americans, and other nations, want to conquer Russia’s vast land and its incalculable resources, especially in minerals.

Yalta 80 years on… the foundation of world order failed because of Western imperialist duplicity and crimes
February 7, 2025

Reflecting on the 80th anniversary of Yalta shows the world what is still possible for peaceful progress and development.

Yalta 80 years on… the foundation of world order failed because of Western imperialist duplicity and crimes
Los “Combates por la Historia” y el papel de los intelectuales ante la emotividad de la “post verdad”
Los “Combates por la Historia” y el papel de los intelectuales ante la emotividad de la “post verdad”
January 24, 2025

Tras casi treinta años de la masificación de internet, la humanidad que goza de conectividad adolece aun de analfabetismo digital.

La guerra es negocio muy rentable del imperialismo norteamericano
October 31, 2024

Esta economía de guerra garantiza la hegemonía, estimula conflictos y es clave en el comercio exterior estadounidense.

La guerra es negocio muy rentable del imperialismo norteamericano
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How the west is wrong to exclude Russia from the Auschwitz memorial
How the west is wrong to exclude Russia from the Auschwitz memorial
October 1, 2024

It’s time, once more, to come together and talk, however difficult that is, to search for peace and reconciliation.

O que pensa a Rússia
August 29, 2024

Estamos cada vez mais próximos de uma guerra frontal entre a NATO e a Rússia. E que fazem os nossos governos? Exercícios de pensamento mágico e de reescrita da história!

O que pensa a Rússia
34 Years Since the Declaration of a “Turkic” Republic: What did the Gagauz People experience on the path to independence?
34 Years Since the Declaration of a “Turkic” Republic: What did the Gagauz People experience on the path to independence?
August 25, 2024

The Gagauz people do not capture the attention of Turkish “nationalism” because the Gagauz leadership represents a “Turkishness” with good relations with Russia and deep historical and cultural ties to the Russian world.

From the Berlin crisis of ‘61 to today’s world at war
August 8, 2024

The 1961 Berlin standoff between NATO and the Warsaw Pact countries is one of those pivotal moments that give us an insight into what preceded it and what has followed it right up to today.

From the Berlin crisis of ‘61 to today’s world at war