Tag: Ukrainian Orthodox Church

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With Washington’s tacit approval, Ukraine persecutes its “wrong” Christians
With Washington’s tacit approval, Ukraine persecutes its “wrong” Christians
May 30, 2024

God’s chosen nation has its own ideas of higher righteousness. Perhaps Washington seriously believes that the American hand has a firm grip on God.

As Part of a Broader Assault on the Orthodox Church, Religious Persecution in the Ukraine Continues Unabated
August 10, 2023

The persecutors have made the mistake of prematurely revealing their brutish faces, Stephen Karganovic writes.

As Part of a Broader Assault on the Orthodox Church, Religious Persecution in the Ukraine Continues Unabated
Stepan Bandera: The Man, the Myths and The Legacy
Stepan Bandera: The Man, the Myths and The Legacy
July 27, 2023

Because there is nothing funny or poetic about Ukraine’s current carnage, those most implicated in it should ponder on how these rivers of blood can be stemmed both now and in the future.

In English or in Farsi, Hypocrisy Has the Same Tawdry Ring
July 22, 2023

The word as it is used in English will do perfectly, because it hits the nail on the head and with devastating accuracy.

In English or in Farsi, Hypocrisy Has the Same Tawdry Ring
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In Paganised Ukraine, Religious Persecution Steadily Gains Momentum
In Paganised Ukraine, Religious Persecution Steadily Gains Momentum
April 12, 2023

Persecution of the Orthodox Church, unabashed profession of state paganism and eager acolytes inciting anti-Christian pogroms while flaunting satanic inscriptions, that is par for the course in today’s Ukraine.

Zelensky’s Brown Priests
January 11, 2023

Zelensky’s rump Reich survives to spread those same toxins we umbilically associate with Hitler’s.

Zelensky’s Brown Priests
The Last Liturgy…
The Last Liturgy…
January 4, 2023

The Kiev Nazi junta is taking decisive steps to eradicate every vestige of Russian Orthodox heritage on the territory it still controls.

An Under the Radar Religious Pogrom in Vibrantly Democratic Ukraine
December 5, 2022

What fool was it who said that the collective West, the fabled City on the Hill whose “values” are universal and binding on all, is amoral? A greater untruth was never uttered.

An Under the Radar Religious Pogrom in Vibrantly Democratic Ukraine