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Just How Swampy Are US-Saudi Arms Deals?
Editor's Сhoice
Just How Swampy Are US-Saudi Arms Deals?
September 30, 2019

After a series of early, disastrous failures, the Pentagon is now touting a fifteen out of fifteen string of successful THAAD launchings.

US FY 2019 Defense Budget Becomes Law
August 15, 2018

This is a defense budget of confrontation giving preference to pressure instead of negotiations and diplomacy.

US FY 2019 Defense Budget Becomes Law
India Faces Hard Choice: US THAAD vs Russian S-400 Triumf
India Faces Hard Choice: US THAAD vs Russian S-400 Triumf
July 5, 2018

The S-400 has many advantages over the THAAD, including a broad greater range, a lower price, and a wider range of targets to knock down, but it’s not about comparing specifications or costs.

US Missiles To Germany — Defense Or Warmongering?
June 6, 2018

Reports are circulating that the US is considering sending its THAAD missile defense system to Germany to, they claim, guard against the Iranian threat. Are the Iranians – or the Russians – about to attack Berlin? Or is this another big win for the US defense contractors?

US Missiles To Germany — Defense Or Warmongering?
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President Trump Confident in Missile Defense: In the Grip of Dangerous Illusion
President Trump Confident in Missile Defense: In the Grip of Dangerous Illusion
October 29, 2017

The US military conducted the first-ever missile defense test involving a simulated attack by an intercontinental ballistic missile in May. The ICBM-type target was fired from the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands toward the waters just south of Alaska.

Anglo-American War Plan for North Korea
October 12, 2017

If the US and Britain go ahead with their war plans on North Korea, as seems likely, they will ignite a war that threatens the whole planet.

Anglo-American War Plan for North Korea
What Saudis Hope to Get Out of Russia Ties
Editor's Сhoice
What Saudis Hope to Get Out of Russia Ties
October 10, 2017

Salman had hardly left Moscow when the Pentagon said a possible $15-billion sale of THAAD aerial defense systems had been approved to Saudi Arabia.

North Korea Launches ICBM: Major Conflict on Cards
July 30, 2017

On July 28, North Korea conducted an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launch. The North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said the test proved that the entire United States was within striking range. The missile reportedly flew for 45 minutes, reaching a peak altitude of 3,000 km, and a slightly longer range than the previous test on July 4. If flown on a flatter trajectory, this missile could reach as far as 9,000 to 10,000 km. The re-entry vehicle landed in the East Sea or Sea of Japan inside Japan’s exclusive economic zone, according to the country’s chief cabinet secretary, Yoshihide Suga.

North Korea Launches ICBM: Major Conflict on Cards