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SCOTT RITTER: On a highway to hell
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SCOTT RITTER: On a highway to hell
September 2, 2024

Nuclear weapons offer an illusion of security. By allowing the U.S. nuclear posture to shift from deterrence to employment, there will be a scenario where the U.S. will use nuclear weapons. And then it’s lights out.

Pine Gap readies for U.S. nuclear war
August 22, 2024

With Australians still adjusting to the new AUKUS military agreement, the United States has been quietly expanding and refocussing its satellite surveillance base at Pine Gap, preparing it to fight a nuclear war against China.

Pine Gap readies for U.S. nuclear war
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Daniel Ellsberg Calling on Us to Stop Nuclear War
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Daniel Ellsberg Calling on Us to Stop Nuclear War
March 26, 2023

The legendary Daniel Ellsberg has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. In a March 1 email to friends, Dan wrote, “I’m sorry to report to you that my doctors have given me three to six months to live … it might be more, or less.” He will turn 92 on April 7. Dan displayed uncommon courage in 1971 when he publicized the 7,000-page top-secret Pentagon Papers while working at the Rand Corporation. As a consultant to the Department of Defense, Dan drafted Defense Secretary Robert McNamara’s plans for nuclear war.

John Bolton, the Washington Post and the Death of Arms Control
March 11, 2023

Arms control and disarmament are on life support, and John Bolton and the Washington Post have predictably come along to try to prevent any resuscitation.  The Post masthead daily proclaims that “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” but the paper fails to recognize that there are seminal issues that affect the interests of democratic regimes.  Arms control is one of these issues.

John Bolton, the Washington Post and the Death of Arms Control
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Russia Takes Another Step Back From the West
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Russia Takes Another Step Back From the West
February 25, 2023

News that Russia will suspend its participation in the New START nuclear arms pact, which arrived Tuesday via Vladimir Putin’s annual address to the Federal Assembly, had to land hard.

Why Arms Control Won’t Be Bilateral Business Anymore
February 24, 2023

On February 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow was suspending participation in the U.S.-Russian New START Treaty, stressing that the country was not withdrawing from the treaty. “Before we come back to discussing this issue, we must have a clear idea of what NATO countries such as France or Great Britain have at stake, and how we will account for their strategic arsenals, that is, the Alliance’s combined offensive capabilities,” he said.

Why Arms Control Won’t Be Bilateral Business Anymore
‘Doomsday clock’: 90 Seconds to Midnight
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‘Doomsday clock’: 90 Seconds to Midnight
January 29, 2023

The Clock had been set at 100 seconds since 2020. The Bulletin’s Science and Security Board and a group of sponsors – which includes 10 Nobel laureates – have focused on “Russia’s war on Ukraine” (their terminology) as the main reason.

Strategic Dialogue Amid Tensions… But Who Created Those Tensions?
July 30, 2021

It is the Americans who need to stop their relentless and systematic aggravation of tensions.

Strategic Dialogue Amid Tensions… But Who Created Those Tensions?