Tag: Society

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O que os neopentecostais e os traficantes têm em comum
O que os neopentecostais e os traficantes têm em comum
January 17, 2025

O que é um típico político do Centrão brasileiro? O que não tem nenhum princípio, nenhuma ideia, nenhum valor.

Conservatives of the World – unite?
January 17, 2025

Are the BRIC states – Brazil, Russia, India and China – more conservative than Western countries?

Conservatives of the World – unite?
How Britain forgot Keighley’s grooming gangs
Editor's Сhoice
How Britain forgot Keighley’s grooming gangs
January 12, 2025

The town is a case study in exploitation

Grooming gang victims need a new statutory inquiry
January 11, 2025

Calls for a statutory inquiry into grooming gangs have been opposed by some on the grounds that the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) has already been held. The argument goes that since the flagship report on child sexual abuse was accompanied with a smaller one on child sexual exploitation (CSE) by organised networks, there have been enough inquiries.

Grooming gang victims need a new statutory inquiry
Editor's Сhoice
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Culture Foundation
O neopentecostalismo e a descristianização do cristianismo
O neopentecostalismo e a descristianização do cristianismo
January 5, 2025

A diferença entre o apologista cristão e o nietzschiano é somente o nome: o que Nietzsche chamava pejorativamente de moral de escravo, o apologista elogia como uma especial compaixão cristã.

Yes, the grooming gangs were Pakistani
January 5, 2025

The “grooming gang” scandal in the UK is one of the darkest chapters of the country’s history. For years, thousands of young, White British girls were abused by pedophilic Pakistani rape gangs across the UK. Early attempts by some to bring it to light went nowhere, as all levels of the UK regime engaged in a systematic coverup to hide the abuses.

Yes, the grooming gangs were Pakistani
Editor's Сhoice
Neo-Pentecostalism and the de-Christianization of Christianity
Neo-Pentecostalism and the de-Christianization of Christianity
January 3, 2025

It is no surprise that the followers of new Christianity serve as pawns for atheists who want to plot a clash of civilizations, or for Jews who want to commit genocide in the Middle East with impunity.

Lo Stato americano non punta al benessere dei propri cittadini
January 2, 2025

Questo Stato particolare, che non si preoccupa del benessere dei suoi cittadini e si preoccupa invece della sua potenza militare.

Lo Stato americano non punta al benessere dei propri cittadini