Tag: Serbia

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Serbia: Twilight of a Balkan regime
Serbia: Twilight of a Balkan regime
January 30, 2025

The Serbian people will once again have to pay the price for their foolish naiveté, Stephen Karganovic writes.

Trump, Putin and powwows with peace pipes in Serbia or Switzerland
January 21, 2025

Putin must play his hard and soft power cards carefully. Not only has Russia a lot riding on how he handles the Trump challenge, but so too has Serbia, Syria, Armenia, Georgia and a number of other countries.

Trump, Putin and powwows with peace pipes in Serbia or Switzerland
Russia e Serbia: la relazione speciale sotto attacco
Russia e Serbia: la relazione speciale sotto attacco
January 15, 2025

Le relazioni bilaterali tra la Repubblica di Serbia e la Federazione Russa si basano su un partenariato strategico fondato su un profondo sentimento reciproco di amicizia, una storia secolare di relazioni e una tradizione di vicinanza linguistica, spirituale e culturale di popoli fratelli. La dinamica dei contatti al più alto livello tra i funzionari dei due Paesi è da sempre intensa. Recentemente, tuttavia, questa relazione è stata attaccata dall’esterno.

Non-violent revolution in Serbia gains traction and raises questions
January 12, 2025

Unless convincing evidence of foreign interference emerges coincidental similarities with classical colour revolution methods should not be given excessive credence.

Non-violent revolution in Serbia gains traction and raises questions
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Social unrest in Serbia portends changes
Social unrest in Serbia portends changes
December 29, 2024

The situation that is developing in Serbia brings to mind a different yet eerily similar upheaval in Tunisia in 2010.

Kosovo, a time-bomb to extend the European front
November 5, 2024

Self-proclaimed Kosovo, created with the help of the weapons of Albanian terrorists, remains one of the most serious problems in the region.

Kosovo, a time-bomb to extend the European front
Correction: Serbia shot itself in the head, not in the foot
Correction: Serbia shot itself in the head, not in the foot
October 24, 2024

By snubbing Russia’s and BRICS’ salutary invitation and prioritising trivial and harmful engagements over Kazan, Serbia has shot itself in the head

Banjska attack a NATO false-flag provocation to destabilize Serbia
October 10, 2024

The pronounced Western media coverage of the Banjska incident suggests that the U.S. and Britain have calibrated the incident to their advantage.

Banjska attack a NATO false-flag provocation to destabilize Serbia