Tag: Russophobia

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Who REALLY started the Heathrow fire?
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Who REALLY started the Heathrow fire?
March 25, 2025

The most logical way of looking at the fire at the busiest airport hub in the world, is to ask who benefits the most from it. Clue: it isn’t Russia

Moldova’s election rigging… welcome to the totalitarian, Russophobic EU
February 5, 2025

The obsessively Russophobic EU leadership is frantically distorting national elections to thwart any parties that are calling for more peaceful relations with Russia.

Moldova’s election rigging… welcome to the totalitarian, Russophobic EU
La ciencia de la propaganda anti-rusa
La ciencia de la propaganda anti-rusa
January 4, 2025

La rusofobia no es un fenómeno transitorio, sino que ha demostrado ser increíblemente duradero debido a su función geopolítica. A diferencia de la germanofobia o la francofobia transitorias, vinculadas a guerras concretas, la rusofobia tiene una resistencia comparable a la del antisemitismo.

Don’t confuse them with facts
May 11, 2024

Time will tell what measures the Georgian authorities will employ to ensure the integrity of their country, Stephen Karganovic writes.

Don’t confuse them with facts
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El Sur Global converge hacia el Moscú multipolar
El Sur Global converge hacia el Moscú multipolar
March 4, 2024

Aquí está la idea clave de estos días frenéticos en Moscú: Normalófilos del mundo, uníos.

Pole Vaulter Yelena Isinbaeva: MI6’s Latest Assassination Target
July 21, 2023

The Russians will return and some of them will be up for settling scores with those who think Russian or other women make easy targets for their bile, Declan Hayes writes.

Pole Vaulter Yelena Isinbaeva: MI6’s Latest Assassination Target
U.S. Senator Graham is a Buffoon, But His Despicable War-Reveling is Symptomatic of Sinister Western Disease
U.S. Senator Graham is a Buffoon, But His Despicable War-Reveling is Symptomatic of Sinister Western Disease
June 2, 2023

Lindsey Graham is of course a shame on the United States. The fact that Graham’s pernicious and disgraceful remarks barely caused any criticism from Western governments or media illustrates just how endemic and “normalized” is their Russophobia.

Russia and the West or Who Cannot Understand Whom
April 24, 2023

The drama of Russia is that Russia does not understand the West. Thus, there emerges that continual consternation by Russian politicians at the (political) moves of the West at the global scene.

Russia and the West or Who Cannot Understand Whom