Tag: Russian Navy

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U.S. Jackals Smelling Blood i.e. a Prohibitively Huge Potential for Profit in the Russian Arctic
U.S. Jackals Smelling Blood i.e. a Prohibitively Huge Potential for Profit in the Russian Arctic
January 13, 2023

The Russian military industry in 2022 switched to the unprecedented work pace to be able to deliver the needed weaponry for the special military operation. At the same time, the hard work on prospective patterns of armament, which is mercifully not used at present yet.

Leaked Documents: British Spies Constructing Secret Terror Army in Ukraine
November 12, 2022

Documents obtained by The Grayzone reveal plans by a cell of British military-intelligence figures to organize and train a covert Ukrainian “partisan” army with explicit instructions to attack Russian targets in Crimea.

Leaked Documents: British Spies Constructing Secret Terror Army in Ukraine
Editor's Сhoice
The Russian Navy’s Great Game
The Russian Navy’s Great Game
August 9, 2022

No matter what firepower NATO’s navies can bring to bear in Russia’s eastern backyard, they cannot prevail.

Russia and the United States: The Forgotten History of a Brotherhood
October 16, 2019

Both President Lincoln and Czar Alexander II recognised that the sovereignty of the individual and of a nation were intertwined and that Russia and the United States had become united in this cause.

Russia and the United States: The Forgotten History of a Brotherhood
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Whales, Crickets, and Other Fearsome Russian Doomsday Weapons
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Whales, Crickets, and Other Fearsome Russian Doomsday Weapons
May 3, 2019

Headlines and TV news segments from virtually all mainstream outlets were falling all over themselves the other day to report the fact that some Norwegians found a tame beluga whale with a harness on it, and “experts” attest that the animal may have been part of a covert espionage program for the Russian navy.

K-433 Svyatoy Georgiy Pobedonosets (St. George the Victorious): Nuclear Triad Workhorse
October 14, 2018

The K-433 underwater cruiser is part of Project 667, a BDR Kalmar-class (Delta III) submarine carrying 16 missiles each with a range of 9,000-kilometres. Let's take a look at life and work aboard this veteran Russian sub.

K-433 Svyatoy Georgiy Pobedonosets (St. George the Victorious): Nuclear Triad Workhorse
Russia Tests New Kh-35U Unified Cruise Missile
Russia Tests New Kh-35U Unified Cruise Missile
October 5, 2018

The Kh-35U is a formidable weapon, boasting both high speed as well as evasive terminal profiles. Many details remain classified, but there is little doubt the missile has effective ECCM.

Russia Marks Navy Day: Credible Deterrent to Keep Enemies at Bay
July 30, 2018

Russia’s 2017 Naval Doctrine set the goal of building a strong force to enable the country to achieve and hold the leading positions in the world until 2030. And it is already clear that the nation has made a strong comeback as a sea power.

Russia Marks Navy Day: Credible Deterrent to Keep Enemies at Bay