Tag: Romania

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Erkin Öncan: “¿Por qué los gagaúzos están en contra de la UE?”
Erkin Öncan: “¿Por qué los gagaúzos están en contra de la UE?”
April 1, 2024

Hubo una peculiar reunión en Moscú entre la representante de los gagaúzos de Moldavia y el presidente ruso, ¿qué hay detrás?

Across Europe, Governments Are Increasingly Unstable
December 31, 2023

Average duration of national governments in Europe has significantly decreased over the past decade. According to an EU Matrix research, governments from countries such as Romania and Bulgaria last on average for less than a single year. These numbers are likely to decrease in the future also for countries that have been more stable over the past decade, such as Germany and Netherlands, which are displaying signs of rising political instability. 

Across Europe, Governments Are Increasingly Unstable
Greater Romania Emerges From Stalingrad’s Ashes
Greater Romania Emerges From Stalingrad’s Ashes
July 29, 2022

Dreams of Greater Romania, of România Mare are for idlers, not for the peoples trying to live their lives in peace by the waters of the Don, the Dniester and the Danube

Balkans EU Move on Expansion a New Level of Panic by Brussels
October 29, 2021

The hypocrisy is outstanding. Especially from MEPs who have a voice and can talk about the problems in countries which are more or less ruled by the mob.

Balkans EU Move on Expansion a New Level of Panic by Brussels
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NATO Build-Up in Romania: Clear Threat to Russia
NATO Build-Up in Romania: Clear Threat to Russia
April 22, 2017

NATO has made a request to set up a counter-intelligence unit in Bucharest to protect the two military commands established there two years ago. The new unit is to function within the South-East Multinational Division also based in Romania’s capital. The mission is to prevent information leaks and attempts to compromise NATO operations in the region.

Why Russia Views Romania as Security Threat
February 14, 2017

The two countries have a long history of friendship and cooperation. Today the relationship is in jeopardy. There is each and every reason to doubt the wisdom of such policy fraught with negative, or even dire, consequences. Russia did not start it. The Romanian government has been warned.

Why Russia Views Romania as Security Threat
A Triumvirate on NATO’s Eastern Flank?
A Triumvirate on NATO’s Eastern Flank?
September 7, 2016

The simultaneous official visits of Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski and Romanian Foreign Minister Lazăr Comănescu to Turkey at the end of August, where they met with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu and Turkish President Recep Erdoğan, were a continuation of the trilateral Polish-Turkish-Romanian consultations that began in June of this year in Warsaw…

Does Russia Have Reason to Fear?
May 25, 2016

NATO is putting an anti-missile base in Romania and brushing aside Russia’s fears, but – over the decades – the U.S. has reacted furiously to the possibility of nearby foreign military bases, recalls James W Carden.

Does Russia Have Reason to Fear?
Editor's Сhoice