Tag: Romania

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The real reason for the annulment of the Romanian election
The real reason for the annulment of the Romanian election
December 14, 2024

What the West can’t stand are leaders who prioritize national independence and sovereignty, the common interest, and social welfare.

A real razão da anulação da eleição romena
December 14, 2024

O que o ocidente não suporta são líderes que não façam da independência e soberania nacionais, do interesse comum e do bem-estar social, limites à apropriação privada pelos interesses económicos e financeiros internacionais.

A real razão da anulação da eleição romena
Bienvenidos a la posdemocracia europea
Bienvenidos a la posdemocracia europea
December 12, 2024

El caso rumano no es un “caso” y el rey (en este caso Occidente) está cada vez más desnudo. Empecemos a pensar de nuevo y a trabajar duro para salvar la democracia mirando a Toyland de frente, es el primer paso para salvarnos del abismo…

Il “golpe democratico” in Romania, nuova dimostrazione dell’ipocrisia occidentale
December 11, 2024

La decisione senza precedenti della Corte Costituzionale rumena di annullare il primo turno delle elezioni presidenziali evidenzia l’ipocrisia delle élite euro-atlantiste, pronte a sacrificare i principi democratici quando il risultato elettorale minaccia i loro interessi consolidati.

Il “golpe democratico” in Romania, nuova dimostrazione dell’ipocrisia occidentale
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Good for the Moldovan goose; not good for the Romanian gander
Good for the Moldovan goose; not good for the Romanian gander
December 7, 2024

The Romanian presidential election two weeks ago exposed graphically the blatant hypocrisy and total abandonment of even the pretence of moral principle in the collective West.

The first-round “surprise” in Romania’s elections: What does the Georgescu-Lasconi race mean?
November 30, 2024

The roughly 350,000-vote difference between Georgescu and his closest competitor underscores the growing appeal of right-wing populist skepticism toward Europe.

The first-round “surprise” in Romania’s elections: What does the Georgescu-Lasconi race mean?
A Spaniard’s paean to Trajan, Romania, and Latin civilization
Editor's Сhoice
A Spaniard’s paean to Trajan, Romania, and Latin civilization
October 1, 2024

In the age in which we live, basic terms of reality are undermined, words are subverted, and their meaning changed. We are almost daily assailed by ugly neologisms.

The last Wunderwaffe
June 30, 2024

I shall return yet again to the prospect of “Made in the USA” F-16s sallying forth boldly into eastern Ukraine to “teach the cabbage heads what Airpower (capitalized) really means.”

The last Wunderwaffe
Editor's Сhoice