Tag: Populism

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Boris Is Out and With It Transatlantic Populist Buffoonery. But What Now in Ukraine and China?
Boris Is Out and With It Transatlantic Populist Buffoonery. But What Now in Ukraine and China?
July 7, 2022

Britain now needs, practically, a business savvy economist type who can straighten out the mess of double digit inflations, food and fuel shortages.

VIDEO: Why Is the Rise of Populism So Scary?
December 17, 2020

Democracy is supposed to be rule by the populous afterall, right? But it offends the Western tradition of individualism by thinking in group terms. Watch the video and read more in the article by Tim Kirby.

VIDEO: Why Is the Rise of Populism So Scary?
The Populist American Powder Keg Is Primed but Will It Be Lit?
The Populist American Powder Keg Is Primed but Will It Be Lit?
December 16, 2020

Flawed humans are often too eager to over inflate information that suits them to build the exciting revolutionary narrative of their fantasies.

The Fork in the Road
July 27, 2020

Many people today want our present to be radically changed (or even smashed) – but all wonder what may come next.

The Fork in the Road
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How India’s Modi is Playing on Trump’s Ego to His Advantage
Editor's Сhoice
How India’s Modi is Playing on Trump’s Ego to His Advantage
February 24, 2020

Trump treats politics like a reality show. He is the very antithesis of a cerebral, erudite politician. Ideas don’t matter; words and showmanship are all that matter to him.

A Sea Change for Canada Foreign Policy as Freeland Is Replaced by a Pro-Chinese Politico
November 30, 2019

Jean Chretien, who campaigned for Champagne’s re-election, represents everything Freeland hates: A “practical” old school politician who recognizes that World War III and alienating Eurasian nations who are shaping the future is bad for business.

A Sea Change for Canada Foreign Policy as Freeland Is Replaced by a Pro-Chinese Politico
Brexit Britain – The Planned Stages of Social Change
Editor's Сhoice
Brexit Britain – The Planned Stages of Social Change
September 30, 2019

There is no doubt that whilst far-right organisations existed in years gone by, they never really had any traction in the political discourse of Britain – but they do today – and their anarchic voices are only getting louder.

Joe Biden: An Imperial Corporatist Wrapped in the Bloody Flag of Charlottesville
April 27, 2019

Besides being a grabby old coot who needs to stop joking about complaints over his serially inappropriate touching of females, Joe Biden is a grinning neoliberal sell-out who stands well to the right of majority progressive public opinion. No elegantly crafted three-and-a-half minute campaign launch video on the horrors of Charlottesville and Donald Trump can change that essential fact.

Joe Biden: An Imperial Corporatist Wrapped in the Bloody Flag of Charlottesville
Editor's Сhoice