Tag: Myanmar

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La Ferrovia Pan-Asiatica: un progetto rivoluzionario per il futuro dell’ASEAN
La Ferrovia Pan-Asiatica: un progetto rivoluzionario per il futuro dell’ASEAN
March 5, 2025

Con la realizzazione della Ferrovia Pan-Asiatica, promossa dalla Cina nell’ambito della Belt and Road Initiative, si apre una nuova era per l’integrazione completa dei Paesi ASEAN, collegando Laos, Vietnam e Thailandia e stimolando scambi commerciali, sviluppo sostenibile e cooperazione regionale.

In Myanmar un nuovo successo della diplomazia cinese
January 31, 2025

La firma dell’accordo di cessate il fuoco tra il governo del Myanmar e l’MNDAA, mediata dalla Cina, segna una svolta di grande rilievo in un conflitto complesso e prolungato. Un primo passo verso la stabilità regionale, che inoltre conferma la grande abilità diplomatica di Pechino.

In Myanmar un nuovo successo della diplomazia cinese
Bangladesh and Thailand join NATO in emasculating Myanmar and China
Bangladesh and Thailand join NATO in emasculating Myanmar and China
August 20, 2024

Thailand and Bangladesh are the latest pawns in NATO’s attempt to checkmate China

VIDEO: Myanmar’s civil war… will the U.S. escalate a proxy war against China?
June 25, 2024

The civil war in Myanmar is set to become a lot more bloody and chaotic – if the United States follows through on plans to massively intervene in this conflict.

VIDEO: Myanmar’s civil war… will the U.S. escalate a proxy war against China?
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Myanmar’s civil war: A golden opportunity for U.S. sabotage of China’s interests
Myanmar’s civil war: A golden opportunity for U.S. sabotage of China’s interests
June 7, 2024

The real U.S. objective is to exploit the turmoil in the country as a way to contain China and undermine Beijing’s strategic interests.

All Roads (and Railways) Leading to China… and the West Ain’t Happy
October 6, 2022

China’s ascendant global power is showing up the increasingly bankrupt condition of the United States and its Western allies.

All Roads (and Railways) Leading to China… and the West Ain’t Happy
Facebook: Genocide Is Cool but Don’t Threaten Our Profits
Editor's Сhoice
Facebook: Genocide Is Cool but Don’t Threaten Our Profits
February 20, 2021

“Facebook’s willingness to block credible news sources also stands in sharp distinction to the company’s poor track record in addressing the spread of hateful content and disinformation on the platform.”

Burmese Days, Revisited
February 5, 2021

It will be fascinating to watch how the (Dis)United States will deal with post-coup Myanmar as part of their 24/7 “containment of China” frenzy.

Burmese Days, Revisited