Tag: Middle East

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Ali’s on the grill: Weaponising dead Iraqi, Israeli, Syrian, Palestinian but not Congolese babies
Ali’s on the grill: Weaponising dead Iraqi, Israeli, Syrian, Palestinian but not Congolese babies
February 23, 2025

Others envy the Congo its wealth and bigger powers, such as those who use the Congo’s cobalt, are prepared to collaborate with those savages for their own base ends.

Good treatment of Israeli prisoners by the Palestinians dismantles Zionist propaganda
February 23, 2025

Former Israeli prisoners acknowledge the respectful treatment they received from Palestinian soldiers during their captivity.

Good treatment of Israeli prisoners by the Palestinians dismantles Zionist propaganda
How the West treats immigrants as mere human cogs
How the West treats immigrants as mere human cogs
February 23, 2025

In the endless pursuit of profit maximization, everyone is sacrificed—immigrants and natives alike.

Secret terror blueprints for US NSC to “help Ukraine resist” exposed
February 19, 2025

Newly-leaked documents reveal a crew of military academics pitching the US National Security Council a series of extreme strategies for Ukraine, from IED’s inspired by Iraqi insurgents to sabotaging Russia’s infrastructure to propaganda “from ISIS’ playbook.”

Secret terror blueprints for US NSC to “help Ukraine resist” exposed
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Gaza non è in vendita
Gaza non è in vendita
February 17, 2025

Nel bel mezzo di una delle crisi più disastrose dell’umanità, Donald Trump ha trovato il coraggio di fare dichiarazioni molto aggressive nei confronti della Palestina. Non avevamo dubbi, l’obiettivo americano resta sempre il medesimo.

En Valdai, enfrentando el ‘problema estadounidense’ en Asia occidental
February 17, 2025

Mientras Trump se desboca con sus proyectos globales de acaparamiento de tierras, los visionarios multipolares de Valdai trazaban las rutas territoriales reales y tangibles que definirán la geopolítica y la geoeconomía de este siglo.

En Valdai, enfrentando el ‘problema estadounidense’ en Asia occidental
Trump wants peace in Ukraine, but why not in Gaza?
Editor's Сhoice
Trump wants peace in Ukraine, but why not in Gaza?
February 16, 2025

Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies on the contradiction of Trump pursuing an end to the war in Ukraine while supporting the genocide in Palestine.

In Syria, the barbarians aren’t at the gate, they’re in power with Western support
February 16, 2025

Declan Hayes contends that the new rulers of Syria do not have a firm control over the country where resistance to the reign of terror is growing.

In Syria, the barbarians aren’t at the gate, they’re in power with Western support