Tag: Mercosur

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Las Elecciones Europeas y el Acuerdo UE-Mercosur
Las Elecciones Europeas y el Acuerdo UE-Mercosur
June 26, 2024

Con la insatisfacción sudamericana y la necesidad europea de complacer a su electorado, es más improbable que nunca que el Acuerdo sea efectivamente ratificado. Afortunadamente.

As eleições europeias e o Acordo UE-Mercosul
June 25, 2024

Com a insatisfação sul-americana e a necessidade europeia de agradar ao seu eleitorado, é mais improvável do que nunca que o Acordo seja efetivamente ratificado. Felizmente.

As eleições europeias e o Acordo UE-Mercosul
Análisis especial: Caminos para la integración después de la cumbre de la CELAC
Análisis especial: Caminos para la integración después de la cumbre de la CELAC
March 13, 2024

Está claro, conforme a lo que indicó el presidente Nicolás Maduro en la Cumbre de la Celac, que Venezuela seguirá apostando por replicar acuerdos que promueven y fortalecen la integración bilateral y regional por los beneficios compartidos que generan, así como por la complementariedad que producen.

America’s Dangerous Game of Intrigue Inside International Organizations
August 7, 2016

From the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Fédération Internationale de Football Association(FIFA) to the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Washington has been playing a dangerous game of intrigue and deception with regard to steering these organizations in a pro-American direction…

America’s Dangerous Game of Intrigue Inside International Organizations
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Snowden and Latin America Expose Washington’s Impotence in a Changing World
Snowden and Latin America Expose Washington’s Impotence in a Changing World
July 17, 2013

Several historical insights can be drawn from the Snowden affair, accentuated by the latest revelations and tensions over Latin America. Foremost is that the illegal global spying network set up by Washington over the past decade can be seen as having nothing to do with fighting terrorism. Indeed, it can be inferred from Washington’s secret criminality against a host of neutral and friendly states that the «War on Terror» is a risible charade that not even the US government believes in. The real purpose for Washington’s violations of international law and the sovereignty of other nations is to do with maximizing political and economic advantages, or in a word – imperialism. Needless to say such misconduct is reprehensible and unacceptable. This is clearly the case when it comes to the countries of Latin America, which have never posed a security threat to the US…