Tag: Malaysia

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Asian Economies May Gain Most From ‘Bolton Effect’
Editor's Сhoice
Asian Economies May Gain Most From ‘Bolton Effect’
September 14, 2019

Even on Trump’s island of misfit toys, Bolton was a particular standout for the way he made the world a riskier place. His departure is the best news Asia’s economies have received in quite some time.

A Tale of Two Probes: Khashoggi Murder and MH17 Downing
June 24, 2019

The stark, brutal reality is the Trump administration has no interest in sanctioning the Saudi rulers – even though its own intelligence agency and the UN report this week have laid responsibility for Khashoggi’s murder on the state at the highest level.

A Tale of Two Probes: Khashoggi Murder and MH17 Downing
The Global Plague of Nepotism: Political Monarchy Creation in Action
The Global Plague of Nepotism: Political Monarchy Creation in Action
January 30, 2019

French Canadian author Danielle Tremblay summed up best the scourge of nepotism: “Despotism favors the despot, nepotism favors the despot's genes.”

Malaysia’s Najib sought CIA support before election defeat
July 21, 2018

Malaysia’s previous Najib Razak-led government appealed to the United States’ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) seeking American support to form his country’s next government ahead of a closely fought election on May 9, according to a recent expose published by local news portal Malaysiakini.

Malaysia’s Najib sought CIA support before election defeat
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Three Muslim Crown Princes Stake Their Claims
Three Muslim Crown Princes Stake Their Claims
April 14, 2018

The Crown Princes of Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, and the Malaysian Sultanate of Johor are all staking their respective claims to authority that have far-reaching consequences beyond their own potentates.

Southeast Asia Turning into Battlefield: Regional Security Outlook Marked by Uncertainty
June 16, 2017

Indonesia and Malaysia, and other countries with sizeable Muslim minorities, like the Philippines, realize just how vulnerable they are. They have been on high alert for fighters returning home from Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) front lines in Syria and Iraq. The group has made known its ambition to create Southeast Asian provinces of the ISIS caliphate. According to a report published by the Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict (IPAC), a Jakarta think-tank, Southeast Asia faces a growing risk of extremist violence to encompass the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia…

Southeast Asia Turning into Battlefield: Regional Security Outlook Marked by Uncertainty
Sheikh Imran Hosein Shares his Vision of Contemporary World
Sheikh Imran Hosein Shares his Vision of Contemporary World
June 1, 2017

Sheikh Imran Hosein is a distinguished Islamic scholar, author of many books, expert in Islamic eschatology, international politics and finance, and contemporary socio-economic and political issues. In his work, the sheikh emphasizes Islamic spirituality, ihsan, in the absence of which all knowledge would be confined to the mere perception of worldly reality. The principal themes upon which he discourses are the nature of being, relationship to God and the interrelationship of the three major monotheistic faiths, the Messenger Muhammed (s.a.v.s.) and his teaching, and the nature of contemporary Western society with its deleterious impact on other civilizations and cultures…

Sheikh Imran Hosein to Muslims: Your Primary Guidance is the Quran, not CNN or other Media
May 31, 2017

Interview with Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein, an Islamic scholar, author and philosopher specializing in Islamic eschatology, world politics, economics, and modern socio-economic/political issues.

Sheikh Imran Hosein to Muslims: Your Primary Guidance is the Quran, not CNN or other Media