Tag: Lukashenko

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Lukashenko prepares his weapons: Could Belarus be drawn into the war?
Lukashenko prepares his weapons: Could Belarus be drawn into the war?
September 2, 2024

The Western camp led by NATO, which has not achieved what it hoped for from Ukraine, has no other choice but to escalate the war to the next phase unless it wants to sit down at the negotiating table.

Lukashenko tiene razón, en Ucrania yace el futuro de la geopolítica global
May 9, 2024

De acuerdo con el presidente Lukashenko de Bielorrusia, el futuro del mundo está siendo decidido en Ucrania.

Lukashenko tiene razón, en Ucrania yace el futuro de la geopolítica global
Lukashenko tem razão: na Ucrânia está o futuro da geopolítica global
Lukashenko tem razão: na Ucrânia está o futuro da geopolítica global
April 30, 2024

Se quiserem verdadeiramente evitar uma catástrofe global, os líderes ocidentais terão de reconhecer a sua derrota e concordar em negociar com os seus homólogos multipolares.

Lukashenko is right: In Ukraine lies the future of global geopolitics
April 29, 2024

According to Belarussian President Aleksandr Lukashenko, the future of the world is being decided in Ukraine.

Lukashenko is right: In Ukraine lies the future of global geopolitics
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Norway’s Nobel Committee Joins NATO’s Pile Up on Belarus
Norway’s Nobel Committee Joins NATO’s Pile Up on Belarus
September 6, 2023

Though Lukashenko is not seeking any prize, he stands to share in the biggest prize of all, of peace in Europe.

U.S. Writes Belarus Into Its Familiar Regime-Change Script
October 17, 2021

The primary reason the U.S. government opposes the Lukashenko administration is not its authoritarianism, real as that might be. Instead, Lukashenko’s steadfast refusal to privatize state assets, join NATO, or open the country up for foreign exploitation are Washington’s principal objections.

U.S. Writes Belarus Into Its Familiar Regime-Change Script
Editor's Сhoice
Belarus Is Eager to Be Punished for Downing the Ryanair Flight and Nabbing Opposition Blogger
Belarus Is Eager to Be Punished for Downing the Ryanair Flight and Nabbing Opposition Blogger
June 3, 2021

Belarus has no choice but to orient itself 100% towards Russia. This means that the bureaucratic stagnation of the “Union State” will surely magically clear up in the near future, Tim Kirby writes.

Western Media Misperceptions About Belarus, Lukashenko & Putin
August 20, 2020

The West is trying to engineer popular opinion in Belarus towards a “color revolution,” fairly obviously. But they are on a sticky wicket. Western Ukraine was genuinely enthusiastic to move towards the west and the EU, in the hope of attaining a consumer lifestyle. Outside of central Minsk, there is very little such sentiment in Belarus.

Western Media Misperceptions About Belarus, Lukashenko & Putin
Editor's Сhoice