Tag: LNG

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La chiusura dei gasdotti russi danneggia l’Europa molto più di quanto non faccia la Russia
La chiusura dei gasdotti russi danneggia l’Europa molto più di quanto non faccia la Russia
February 15, 2025

La chiusura degli gasdotti russi come punizione per la guerra in Ucraina sta avendo l’effetto opposto.

Switching off Russian gas pipelines hurts Europe far more than it hurts Russia
February 12, 2025

Mothballing Russian pipelines as putative punishment for the war in Ukraine is having the opposite effect.

Switching off Russian gas pipelines hurts Europe far more than it hurts Russia
La política energética de chihuahua: es un gas, gas, gas
La política energética de chihuahua: es un gas, gas, gas
February 4, 2025

Chihuahuas europeos, ¡disfrutad de vuestras fantasías de “derrota estratégica”! Sigan ladrando y comprando GNL ruso.

La politica energetica del Chihuahua: è un gas, gas, gas
February 2, 2025

Chihuahua europei, goditi le tue fantasie di “sconfitta strategica”!

La politica energetica del Chihuahua: è un gas, gas, gas
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The Chihuahua Energy Policy: it’s a gas, gas, gas
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The Chihuahua Energy Policy: it’s a gas, gas, gas
January 31, 2025

European chihuahuas, enjoy your “strategic defeat” fantasies!

EU green transition is a threat to U.S. interests
January 26, 2025

Why one has to be very fanatical not to understand how the U.S. is a brutally expensive burden for European citizens.

EU green transition is a threat to U.S. interests
Investigation Details How Gas Industry Exploited Ukraine War to Boost LNG Expansion
Editor's Сhoice
Investigation Details How Gas Industry Exploited Ukraine War to Boost LNG Expansion
April 30, 2023

In what it calls “one of the most blatant examples of the ‘shock doctrine,'” a new Greenpeace report released today reveals how the gas industry took advantage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to lock Europe and the U.S. into building new liquefied natural gas (LNG) infrastructure that threatens the well-being of both frontline communities and the entire planet.

EU wants member states to extend reduced gas consumption target
April 2, 2023

The European Commission intends to propose to EU Member States to renew their successful gas reduction target, adopted last year in the face of the shock of the war in Ukraine, for the coming winter.

EU wants member states to extend reduced gas consumption target
Editor's Сhoice