Tag: Libyan National Army

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The EU Continues to Talk Utter Baloney About Libya. But What’s the Real Reason Its Warships Are in the Eastern Mediterranean?
The EU Continues to Talk Utter Baloney About Libya. But What’s the Real Reason Its Warships Are in the Eastern Mediterranean?
June 11, 2020

In reality, the position that the EU has taken, is to very much side with Haftar and with his LNA army which is attempting to overthrow the weak and somewhat illegitimate regime holding out in Tripoli.

How Barack Obama Destroyed Libya
June 2, 2020

Obama was wrong about what all that money would do. Rather than tamping down conflict, it fanned it.

How Barack Obama Destroyed Libya
Libyan Peace Talks and Russian Diplomacy 101
Libyan Peace Talks and Russian Diplomacy 101
January 17, 2020

Russia has shown commendable leadership in trying to piece Libya together through diplomatic engagement.