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Inquisition Redux at the Vatican
Inquisition Redux at the Vatican
June 26, 2024

The initiation by the Vatican of canonical proceedings against gadfly Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano marks a significant new development in the deepening crisis within the Roman Catholic church.

Mandatory Solidarity? European Parliament Set To Host LGBT ‘Inclusivity’ Initiatives
June 23, 2024

Organised by the EP’s personnel department, next week’s events will culminate in a screening of a Ukrainian film on combating ‘homophobia.’

Mandatory Solidarity? European Parliament Set To Host LGBT ‘Inclusivity’ Initiatives
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Immigration, emigration and the great replacements
Immigration, emigration and the great replacements
June 4, 2024

This article looks at Europe’s demographic changes which, NATO’s media informs us, is a major election issue in the forthcoming Euro elections.

A war of values: How the Western woke agenda is pushing nations towards multipolarity
May 22, 2024

With the advancement of issues such as LGBT and queer ideology, conservatives, traditionalists and all groups opposed to Western madness are uniting for geopolitical reconfiguration.

A war of values: How the Western woke agenda is pushing nations towards multipolarity
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Uma guerra de valores: Como a agenda woke ocidental está unindo as nações pela Multipolaridade
Uma guerra de valores: Como a agenda woke ocidental está unindo as nações pela Multipolaridade
May 21, 2024

Com o avanço de pautas como LGBT e ideologia queer, conservadores, tradicionalistas e todos os grupos contrários à loucura ocidental estão se unindo pela reconfiguração geopolítica.

If Israel depends so much on evangelical support, how can it make LGBT proselytism?
May 14, 2024

The discrepancy between the devastated land and the sappiness of the messages of peace and love could be a pretext for one more text saturated with the adjective “Orwellian”.

If Israel depends so much on evangelical support, how can it make LGBT proselytism?
Papa Francisco asegura que el cambio de sexo “corre el riesgo de atentar contra la dignidad de la persona”
Papa Francisco asegura que el cambio de sexo “corre el riesgo de atentar contra la dignidad de la persona”
May 14, 2024

l Vaticano publicó este lunes un documento dedicado al respeto de la “dignidad humana” en el que denuncia prácticas como el cambio de sexo o la maternidad subrogada.

Por que, dependendo tanto do apoio evangélico, Israel faz proselitismo LGBT?
May 11, 2024

A discrepância entre a terra arrasada e a pieguice das mensagens de paz e amor poderia render mais um texto que abusa do adjetivo “orwelliano”.

Por que, dependendo tanto do apoio evangélico, Israel faz proselitismo LGBT?