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If Israel depends so much on evangelical support, how can it make LGBT proselytism?
If Israel depends so much on evangelical support, how can it make LGBT proselytism?
May 14, 2024

The discrepancy between the devastated land and the sappiness of the messages of peace and love could be a pretext for one more text saturated with the adjective “Orwellian”.

Papa Francisco asegura que el cambio de sexo “corre el riesgo de atentar contra la dignidad de la persona”
May 14, 2024

l Vaticano publicó este lunes un documento dedicado al respeto de la “dignidad humana” en el que denuncia prácticas como el cambio de sexo o la maternidad subrogada.

Papa Francisco asegura que el cambio de sexo “corre el riesgo de atentar contra la dignidad de la persona”
Por que, dependendo tanto do apoio evangélico, Israel faz proselitismo LGBT?
Por que, dependendo tanto do apoio evangélico, Israel faz proselitismo LGBT?
May 11, 2024

A discrepância entre a terra arrasada e a pieguice das mensagens de paz e amor poderia render mais um texto que abusa do adjetivo “orwelliano”.

Don’t play God! Pope Francis takes a stand against “gender theory”
April 10, 2024

It is the time for educators in the U.S. to heed both the advice of the pope and scientific studies and reverse their stance on gender theory.

Don’t play God! Pope Francis takes a stand against “gender theory”
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How the transgender movement fuels conspiracy theories
How the transgender movement fuels conspiracy theories
April 4, 2024

Ask anyone in your life to define a ‘conspiracy theory,’ and you’ll likely get a different answer. From elections to vaccines, from the ‘deep state’ to Ukraine, there is only one thing that most people now agree on: that establishment narratives are false.

Biden Admin Pours Nearly $700,000 Into Program to Prevent ‘Transgender Boys’ From Getting Pregnant
January 15, 2024

The Biden administration has dished out nearly $700,000 to support the creation of a national pregnancy prevention program for transgender boys, federal grant records show.

Biden Admin Pours Nearly $700,000 Into Program to Prevent ‘Transgender Boys’ From Getting Pregnant
Editor's Сhoice
The Painful Separation and Downfall of Europe
The Painful Separation and Downfall of Europe
October 21, 2023

Europe has embarked on a path of decline which ultimately leads to the demise of its centuries-old culture and its native inhabitants.

Zelensky’s Terror Team: Why the West Looks the Other Way When Ukraine’s Secret Murder Squad Kills Journalists and Activists
September 24, 2023

As winter approaches and the scale of Kiev’s losses in its failing counteroffensive emerges, Ukraine’s transgender military spokesperson Sarah Ashton-Cirillo has deftly avoided the topic and instead delivered a cringeworthy threat-laden rant on social media.

Zelensky’s Terror Team: Why the West Looks the Other Way When Ukraine’s Secret Murder Squad Kills Journalists and Activists
Editor's Сhoice