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Trafficked women have eggs stolen in Georgia, but ending homophobia is the priority
Trafficked women have eggs stolen in Georgia, but ending homophobia is the priority
March 23, 2025

In today’s West, men’s whims take precedence over motherhood and childhood. An accurate portrayal of Western elites is a gay Saturn devouring its children.

Mulheres traficadas têm óvulos roubados na Geórgia, mas a prioridade é combater a homofobia
March 22, 2025

No Ocidente de hoje, os caprichos dos homens estão acima da maternidade e da infância. Um retrato preciso das elites ocidentais é um Saturno gay devorando seus filhos.

Mulheres traficadas têm óvulos roubados na Geórgia, mas a prioridade é combater a homofobia
Sanremo Propaganda Live
Sanremo Propaganda Live
February 16, 2025

La settimana della più intensa propaganda in Italia è ormai al suo compimento. E, anche quest’anno, l’Italia ha dimostrato di amare i propri aguzzini.

The dark money behind the trans movement
February 14, 2025

The transgender ideology is “not a social contagion. It is social engineering.”

The dark money behind the trans movement
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Why did Republicans fund “transgender dance” in Bangladesh?
Editor's Сhoice
Why did Republicans fund “transgender dance” in Bangladesh?
February 13, 2025

According to documents obtained by The Grayzone, the US-funded International Republican Institute sees gay and transgender people as uniquely disruptive actors who can be deployed to manipulate political realities overseas, stating, “LGBTI people tend to participate in social change activities to eventually bring changes to politics.”

El «Fin del wokismo»: la nueva mascarada del sistema
January 23, 2025

Este podría ser el tema que marque no solo este año que comienza y el siguiente, sino todo un nuevo ciclo político que debería ser visto no solo como el cambio de administración en la Casa Blanca, sino como la implementación de una nueva estrategia cognitiva para defender el mismo sistema agonizante. “Cambiar todo para que nada cambie”, como decía proféticamente el escritor italiano Guiseppe Tomasi de Lampedusa en la novela ‘El Gatopardo’.

El «Fin del wokismo»: la nueva mascarada del sistema
Vatican gripped by gay and left wing cliques, says whistleblower
Editor's Сhoice
Vatican gripped by gay and left wing cliques, says whistleblower
December 15, 2024

A union representing the Vatican’s lay employees has distanced itself from an anonymous interview in which a worker complained bitterly about a stranglehold of gay and left-wing cliques over the Holy See.

From transgenderism to transhumanism, the agenda to redefine reality for mass compliance
November 2, 2024

The dismantling of biology and identity within society appears to be in readiness for the rapidly growing realisation of eugenics, repackaged as transhumanism.

From transgenderism to transhumanism, the agenda to redefine reality for mass compliance