Tag: Khashoggi

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Biden’s Reckless Foreign Policy Comes With Hefty Price Tag After Saudi-Russian Move on Oil
Biden’s Reckless Foreign Policy Comes With Hefty Price Tag After Saudi-Russian Move on Oil
October 13, 2022

Biden’s comment about making the country a “pariah” was simply stupid and misplaced, Martin Jay writes.

Enemies Within and the Discomfort of Truth
May 9, 2022

Is Europe’s ‘totalitarianism’ of today of a more refined type – not so-violent, and therefore deserving of a ‘pass’?

Enemies Within and the Discomfort of Truth
Biden’s Dithering in the Middle East Is Forcing Old Enemies to Mend Broken Bridges
Biden’s Dithering in the Middle East Is Forcing Old Enemies to Mend Broken Bridges
December 29, 2021

In recent weeks, Arab countries, as well as Iran and Turkey have all been working out how they can move forward and get along with each other, all due to “sleepy Joe” Biden being asleep at the wheel. Where’s all this heading?

Khashoggi Murder Starts to Get Its First Real Whitewash. But From the West, not From the Saudis
December 12, 2021

The truth about Khashoggi, was in fact a million miles from what the Post’s Opinion section crafted in a baptism of sensational storytelling.

Khashoggi Murder Starts to Get Its First Real Whitewash. But From the West, not From the Saudis
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Trump’s Cynical Abuse Of Human Rights Rhetoric
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Trump’s Cynical Abuse Of Human Rights Rhetoric
January 14, 2020

Try as the Trump administration might to co-opt their cause and exploit their anger for its own purposes, most Iranians hold a more negative view of the U.S. than they have held in many years. Iranian protesters are not our allies or our pawns, and we have to stop looking at their protests and the protests in other nations this way. They have their own concerns and grievances, and our government’s crocodile tears on their behalf don’t matter in the least.

A Tale of Two Probes: Khashoggi Murder and MH17 Downing
June 24, 2019

The stark, brutal reality is the Trump administration has no interest in sanctioning the Saudi rulers – even though its own intelligence agency and the UN report this week have laid responsibility for Khashoggi’s murder on the state at the highest level.

A Tale of Two Probes: Khashoggi Murder and MH17 Downing
Saudi Heir and Aramco Despair – a Motive for Khashoggi Killing
Saudi Heir and Aramco Despair – a Motive for Khashoggi Killing
February 3, 2019

In MBS’ egotistical rage over his dream being squelched, Jamal Khashoggi probably emerged as the bane of the Crown Prince’s ambitions.

US Media Whitewash Bush Senior’s Bloody Saudi Legacy
December 10, 2018

Why US policy is embroiled with Saudi corruption and criminality is because of criminals in high office like Bush.

US Media Whitewash Bush Senior’s Bloody Saudi Legacy