Tag: Keir Starmer

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UK’s ‘100-year partnership’ with Ukraine is a meaningless political stunt
Editor's Сhoice
UK’s ‘100-year partnership’ with Ukraine is a meaningless political stunt
February 6, 2025

The century-long commitment made by Keir Starmer’s government will not do much to counter the shift in Western policy towards Ukraine under Trump.

Los planes de Sir Keir Starmer para un Reich ucraniano de 1.000 años
January 25, 2025

Aunque Putin parece tener la paciencia de Job, Rusia ha sufrido demasiado en sus fronteras ucranianas como para permitir que los británicos sigan con su farsa mortal.

Los planes de Sir Keir Starmer para un Reich ucraniano de 1.000 años
A pathetic clown-world alliance is signed by two moribund partners
A pathetic clown-world alliance is signed by two moribund partners
January 24, 2025

This comical treaty concluded between two cripples reflects the decay of realistic and responsible statesmanship in the contemporary world.

Sir Keir Starmer’s plans for a 1000 year Ukrainian Reich
January 17, 2025

Although Putin seems to have the patience of Job, Russia has suffered far too much in its Ukrainian Borderlands to allow the British carry on with their deadly farce.

Sir Keir Starmer’s plans for a 1000 year Ukrainian Reich
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UK monitoring of Musk online reveals “pathetic” priorities
Editor's Сhoice
UK monitoring of Musk online reveals “pathetic” priorities
January 13, 2025

The British establishment will not hold a national inquiry into gangs of mostly Pakistani men who raped girls across the UK, but it will expend its resources on monitoring tweets shared by Elon Musk.

Starmer fears a rape gang enquiry for what it might find
January 10, 2025

As of writing, British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer is refusing to hold a public inquiry into the ‘grooming gangs’ which operated in English towns including but not limited to Rotherham, Oxford and Oldham.

Starmer fears a rape gang enquiry for what it might find
Editor's Сhoice
Why Elon Musk dominates British politics
Editor's Сhoice
Why Elon Musk dominates British politics
January 6, 2025

Can an eccentric billionaire really tip the balance in politics? The record, surprisingly, seems to suggest not. Even the press monopolist Lord Northcliffe never established any real ascendancy over national life. Those who have succeeded, such as Donald Trump or Ross Perot, have usually ended up having to enter the ring themselves.

Elon Musk exposes the pack raping of a quarter of a million English school girls
January 5, 2025

There can be no talk of letting the (oxymoron of) British justice take its course or of “learning from our mistakes”.

Elon Musk exposes the pack raping of a quarter of a million English school girls