Tag: Jimmy Carter

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How the Trilateral Commission Drove a Bankers’ Coup Across America
How the Trilateral Commission Drove a Bankers’ Coup Across America
August 12, 2019

Under Carter’s reign, the Trilateral Commission overturned the last remnants of anti-imperial impulses left over from the vision provided by Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy, converting America into the self-destructive basket case we have come to know it as today.

Bring Back Jimmy Carter!
October 27, 2015

Caught with its pants down in Syria, the US government is making a fool of itself. By attempting to mischaracterize Russia’s actions against ISIS in Syria, Washington has admitted that the terrorists from outside Syria, who are attempting to overthrow the elected government of Syria, are “our guys.”  In an interview with Fox “News,” a senior US government official said:  “Putin is deliberately targeting our forces. Our guys are fighting for their lives.”  

Bring Back Jimmy Carter!
Jimmy Carter’s Blood-Drenched Legacy
Editor's Сhoice
Jimmy Carter’s Blood-Drenched Legacy
August 19, 2015

A few days ago former President Jimmy Carter announced that he has cancer and it is spreading. While it would be premature to assume this spells the end for the 90-year-old, it does present an opportunity to take stock of the tenure of a President who, like the current occupant of the White House, entered office with a promise to respect human rights, but failed miserably when given the opportunity to do so.