Tag: Indonesia

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U.S. pressure against China and Indonesia: The details behind the dismantling of the Brazilian defense industry
U.S. pressure against China and Indonesia: The details behind the dismantling of the Brazilian defense industry
July 9, 2024

The intention to sabotage the defense industrial triangle between Brazil, China and Indonesia would be behind the release of credit for Australia to buy Avibras.

Pressão americana contra China e Indonésia: os detalhes por trás do desmantelamento da indústria de defesa brasileira
July 8, 2024

Intenção de sabotar triângulo industrial de defesa entre Brasil, China e Indonésia estaria por trás de liberação de crédito para Austrália comprar a Avibras.

Pressão americana contra China e Indonésia: os detalhes por trás do desmantelamento da indústria de defesa brasileira
The Real Economy Seems to Be the Biggest Winner in 2022
The Real Economy Seems to Be the Biggest Winner in 2022
December 31, 2022

“In a turbulent year marred by global monetary tightening, recession fears, and a war in Ukraine, a mining stock in Indonesia is proving to be the world’s best performer with a whopping 1,595% rally,” Bloomberg reports. Meanwhile, the worst performing stocks include those of IT and fintech companies. Investing in coal turned out to be a winning strategy in our supposedly greener world.

Trump Doubles Down on His Island-Buying Spree
September 1, 2019

There is sudden rush by countries for island real estate. Some of this “island fever” is driven by global climate change. Some countries are looking for strategic advantages in a new geo-political order.

Trump Doubles Down on His Island-Buying Spree
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Starbuck’s and Modern Mercantilism: No Different Than the British East India Company
Starbuck’s and Modern Mercantilism: No Different Than the British East India Company
February 4, 2019

Howard Schultz, like other mercantilists of today and yesteryear, made his billions on the backs of others, including, in some cases, children as young as five-years old.

What’s in a Name in Indonesia?
February 7, 2018

Mohammad Hamdan is the spiritual caretaker of Mesjid Raya Al Mashun, the largest mosque in the Indonesian city of Medan on the island of North Sumatra. One of his top responsibilities is to help parents name their new born children.

What’s in a Name in Indonesia?
Editor's Сhoice
Southeast Asia Turning into Battlefield: Regional Security Outlook Marked by Uncertainty
Southeast Asia Turning into Battlefield: Regional Security Outlook Marked by Uncertainty
June 16, 2017

Indonesia and Malaysia, and other countries with sizeable Muslim minorities, like the Philippines, realize just how vulnerable they are. They have been on high alert for fighters returning home from Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) front lines in Syria and Iraq. The group has made known its ambition to create Southeast Asian provinces of the ISIS caliphate. According to a report published by the Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict (IPAC), a Jakarta think-tank, Southeast Asia faces a growing risk of extremist violence to encompass the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia…

Holier-Than-Thou: How US Mainstream Media Rebuke Foreign Leaders
May 12, 2017

In the week of World Press Freedom Day the New York Times carried one of its holier-than-thou and unintentionally ironical editorials, this time titled «Donald Trump Embraces Another Despot». Seeing the headline, the world could be forgiven for asking which one it might be, this time, and eventually the Editorial Board revealed the target of their displeasure to be President Duterte of the Philippines, an unpleasant morsel of filth who had just been invited to visit the United States by President Donald Trump, who is also an unpleasant morsel of filth…

Holier-Than-Thou: How US Mainstream Media Rebuke Foreign Leaders