Tag: India

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Why Modi’s India is suddenly getting Washington’s cold shoulder
Why Modi’s India is suddenly getting Washington’s cold shoulder
June 15, 2024

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi could be forgiven for thinking the United States has a schizoid view of his government and the world’s most populous country.

Washington and Western allies turn on India over Russia and China by ramping up “transnational repression” claims
May 17, 2024

The streamlined Western media campaign to compromise the Indian government is suspiciously orchestrated.

Washington and Western allies turn on India over Russia and China by ramping up “transnational repression” claims
Is the U.S. blackmailing India over assassination allegations to be more hostile toward China and Russia?
Is the U.S. blackmailing India over assassination allegations to be more hostile toward China and Russia?
May 13, 2024

The United States and its Western allies have stepped up a media campaign to accuse India of running an assassination policy targeting expatriate dissidents.

El firme Dragón establece un plan de modernización
March 14, 2024

Veamos qué explica el analista geopolítico y autor brasileño sobre la actualidad geopolítica de China

El firme Dragón establece un plan de modernización
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FM Szijjártó: Cooperation With India in Hungary’s Fundamental Interest
Editor's Сhoice
FM Szijjártó: Cooperation With India in Hungary’s Fundamental Interest
March 6, 2024

Hungary has a fundamental interest in forging the strongest possible cooperation with India, the foreign minister said after talks with counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar in New Delhi.

BRICS Expansion Is a Key Factor for the Rise of Multipolarity
January 11, 2024

With the arrival of new members, the group tends to gain more relevance in the international decision-making process.

BRICS Expansion Is a Key Factor for the Rise of Multipolarity
Los lazos entre India y Rusia se renuevan
Los lazos entre India y Rusia se renuevan
January 10, 2024

El extraordinario rendimiento del armamento ruso en la guerra de Ucrania y el auge general de la industria de defensa rusa en el último año situarían a Rusia en una posición fuerte para recuperar su posición como socio número uno de la India, con diferencia, en tecnología militar.

India’s Turnaround on Palestine has More Than Meets the Eye
December 28, 2023

A Palestinian man carries his daughter’s body near Al-Shifa hospital, Gaza after she was killed by an Israeli airstrike

India’s Turnaround on Palestine has More Than Meets the Eye
Editor's Сhoice