Tag: Global South

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The new West vs. the new world
Editor's Сhoice
The new West vs. the new world
July 7, 2024

It is clear that the effectiveness of non-Western institutions continues to increase due to the shallow policies of Western countries

Russia, SCO, BRICS: The normalization of Afghanistan
June 1, 2024

The whole Russia-Taliban affair involves a humongous package – encompassing oil, gas, minerals and loads of rail connectivity.

Russia, SCO, BRICS: The normalization of Afghanistan
Vote on Srebrenica, a warning sign for the “Global South”
Vote on Srebrenica, a warning sign for the “Global South”
May 25, 2024

Unfortunately, most oppressed countries fell for the bait of imperialism. They voted together with their worst enemies: the USA, Germany, the United Kingdom and France.

Polêmica: em busca da soberania perdida
April 27, 2024

A globalização está em crise. Direita deu-se conta e evoca ideia de nação que se liga a Propriedade, Privilégio e (falsa) Segurança. Esquerda demora-se, porque não enxerga as possibilidades de uma luta do povo contra o capital e suas misérias

Polêmica: em busca da soberania perdida
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La juventud del sur global acude en masa a la «aislada» Rusia
La juventud del sur global acude en masa a la «aislada» Rusia
March 10, 2024

Se mire por donde se mire, el Festival Mundial de la Juventud que se celebra en el territorio federal de Sirio (Sochi, sur de Rusia) del 1 al 7 de marzo es un logro asombroso: una especie de Operación Cultural Especial (OCS) que engloba a los jóvenes del Sur Global.

Considerações sobre o futuro dos BRICS e da ONU
March 2, 2024

Independentemente do que aconteça na ONU, nas circunstâncias atuais, a admissão de novos membros é estrategicamente importante para os BRICS.

Considerações sobre o futuro dos BRICS e da ONU
How Westerners and the Rest of the World See Global Risks
How Westerners and the Rest of the World See Global Risks
February 29, 2024

According to the Munich Security Index, perception of risks differs greatly between the leading Western countries and the Global South (BICS, as they put it, that is BRICS minus Russia). However environmental risks are seen as the most serious ones in both groups.

The Global South Converges to Multipolar Moscow
February 29, 2024

Here’s the key takeaway of these frantic days in Moscow: Normal-o-philes of the world, unite.

The Global South Converges to Multipolar Moscow
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