Tag: Georgia

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USAID a velvet glove for the fist of U.S. global power
USAID a velvet glove for the fist of U.S. global power
June 18, 2024

While a great deal of controversies have arisen in the world-wide activities of USAID it may be worthwhile to explore its attempts of preventing individuals from finding information that challenges official narratives.

U.S.-EU assets pushing color revolution in Georgia
May 27, 2024

Over 25,000 NGOs are active in Georgia, and most rely on funding from Europe and the US. A new bill aiming to reign in Western meddling has sparked furious anti-government protests explicitly encouraged by Washington.

U.S.-EU assets pushing color revolution in Georgia
Editor's Сhoice
NATO’s NGOs are stampeding through Georgia
NATO’s NGOs are stampeding through Georgia
May 23, 2024

Georgia, like a number of other European satellite states from Ireland in the West to Armenia in the East, is a case study of CIA domestic and trans-national subversion.

Don’t confuse them with facts
May 11, 2024

Time will tell what measures the Georgian authorities will employ to ensure the integrity of their country, Stephen Karganovic writes.

Don’t confuse them with facts
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Main Trade Partners of Former Soviet Republics
Main Trade Partners of Former Soviet Republics
March 21, 2024

The Soviet Union broke up in 1991 with fifteen independent states arising instead. Check out our infographic to learn what these states’ main trade partners are more than thirty years on.

In Vino Veritas: Punch Drunk NATO’s Wine Wars Against Russia
December 27, 2023

Georgia, together with the punk states of Lithuania and Latvia, two of the main proponents of sanctions against Russia, has emerged as the primary exporter of wine into Russia.

In Vino Veritas: Punch Drunk NATO’s Wine Wars Against Russia
Ações dinâmicas da UE na Geórgia, Moldávia e Ucrânia: Preparadas para “Revoluções Coloridas”
Ações dinâmicas da UE na Geórgia, Moldávia e Ucrânia: Preparadas para “Revoluções Coloridas”
November 15, 2023

As potenciais transformações no Sul do Cáucaso estão intimamente ligadas à estratégia de contenção da Rússia, tal como aconteceu na Ucrânia e na Moldávia.

EU’s Dynamic Actions in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine: Poised for ‘Color Revolutions’
November 11, 2023

The potential transformations in the South Caucasus are closely tied to Russia’s containment strategy, much like what unfolded in Ukraine and Moldova.

EU’s Dynamic Actions in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine: Poised for ‘Color Revolutions’
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