Tag: Georgia

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Did a Trump executive order just cripple the global U.S. regime change network?
Editor's Сhoice
Did a Trump executive order just cripple the global U.S. regime change network?
February 1, 2025

With federal funding paused to USAID, pro-Western media outlets from Ukraine to Nicaragua are panhandling for donations, and a multi-billion dollar regime change apparatus is in panic mode.

I tentativi di “rivoluzione colorata” in Georgia sono destinati a fallire
December 29, 2024

La Georgia continua a essere un punto caldo nelle dinamiche geopolitiche, con il governo di K’obakhidze che resiste alle pressioni occidentali, mantenendo buone relazioni con la Russia e difendendo l’indipendenza del Paese. Le recenti elezioni e l’inaugurazione del nuovo presidente Kavelashvili segnano un ulteriore capitolo in questa lotta per la sovranità.

I tentativi di “rivoluzione colorata” in Georgia sono destinati a fallire
Salome Zourabichvili is a threat to Georgian democracy and should be politely ushered out on 29 December
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Salome Zourabichvili is a threat to Georgian democracy and should be politely ushered out on 29 December
December 28, 2024

Salome Zourabichivili plans to mount a coup d’etat by insisting that she remains the rightful ruler of Georgia.

The Irish and Georgian protests – A comparison of reactions
December 4, 2024

In spite of the brutality on display, no mainstream media descriptions of crackdowns on peaceful protesters were ascribed to the scenes in Newtownmountkennedy and Coolock earlier this year.

The Irish and Georgian protests – A comparison of reactions
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Will they ever learn? Kiev déjà vu in Tbilisi
Will they ever learn? Kiev déjà vu in Tbilisi
November 15, 2024

Good governance promotes the exercise of the widest possible spectrum of liberties, but the practice of those liberties must be tempered.

Occidente se enfurece por el fracaso de la segunda revolución de color en Georgia
November 5, 2024

Occidente amenaza con consecuencias para Georgia después de que sus ciudadanos votaran a favor de unas relaciones pacíficas con Rusia y de los valores morales tradicionales.

Occidente se enfurece por el fracaso de la segunda revolución de color en Georgia
West sees red over failed second color revolution in Georgia
West sees red over failed second color revolution in Georgia
November 1, 2024

The West is threatening consequences for Georgia after its citizens voted for peaceful relations with Russia and traditional moral values.

In Georgia and Moldova, it’s “Οχι” for NATO and the EU
October 31, 2024

It seems that peasants everywhere are waking up. The strategic geniuses are losing their magic touch.

In Georgia and Moldova, it’s “Οχι” for NATO and the EU