Tag: Gazprom

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Russian Gas for Europe: What Is Changing?
Russian Gas for Europe: What Is Changing?
April 30, 2022

Reacting to the sanctions war unleashed by the West, Russia announced new payment terms for its gas. Customers should open an account with Gazprombank in Russia. Payments are made in foreign currency – dollars or euros, converted into rubles according to the current exchange rate, and transferred to different Gazprom accounts. That’s in stark contrast to what the United States was forcing the Europeans to do: pay for Russian gas in Gazprom accounts in Europe, which would then be instantly frozen.

Frozen Deutschland
November 17, 2021

A “perfect storm of Russian aggression during the coming winter months” is all but inevitable. Watch it on your screens while you properly freeze.

Frozen Deutschland
Russophobia Absurdity… As Russian Gas Rescues Europe’s Energy Crisis
Russophobia Absurdity… As Russian Gas Rescues Europe’s Energy Crisis
October 8, 2021

Europe’s energy crisis and Russia’s readiness to alleviate vividly demonstrates a fundamental win-win partnership.

Washington’s Unmasked Imperialism Towards Europe and Russia
December 27, 2019

Washington is acting aggressively towards Russia and Europe while flouting its own supposed economic principles and relying on brute force to win its arguments.

Washington’s Unmasked Imperialism Towards Europe and Russia
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Republican Senators Introduce Bill to Snuff out Europe’s Independence
Republican Senators Introduce Bill to Snuff out Europe’s Independence
July 20, 2018

Europe’s right to make its own decisions is at stake as the ongoing battle over Nord Stream 2 heats up. The choice is between a strong and independent Europe that is able to defend its own interests and independence or a puppet on a string dancing to Washington’s tune.

President Vladimir Putin Visits Austria: Russia Does Not Lack Friends in Europe
June 8, 2018

The shifting political winds in Europe are paving the way for positive changes, moving toward normalizing the ties between the EU and Russia.

President Vladimir Putin Visits Austria: Russia Does Not Lack Friends in Europe
Attack Against Nord Stream 2 Renewed with Vigor: Whose Interests Does It Meet?
Attack Against Nord Stream 2 Renewed with Vigor: Whose Interests Does It Meet?
March 20, 2018

Gas exports to Europe present exciting opportunities but supplies from Russia are cheaper and more reliable. So the US needs to get rid of the obstacle in its way — the Nord Stream 2 (NS2) pipeline, which will carry natural gas from Russia to Germany. Washington will do anything to achieve this cherished goal.

US Targets Russian Nord Stream-2 Gas Project: Déjà Vu Story
October 23, 2017

Europe badly needs the stable supplies, if it wants to achieve economic progress. To protect its vital interests it has to defy the United States. The history appears to repeat itself.

US Targets Russian Nord Stream-2 Gas Project: Déjà Vu Story