Tag: Foreign Office

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Il Regno Unito rifiuta di rompere con il neocolonialismo nelle sue relazioni con il Sud globale
Il Regno Unito rifiuta di rompere con il neocolonialismo nelle sue relazioni con il Sud globale
December 31, 2024

La questione se il Regno Unito sia in grado di offrire una cooperazione vera, equa e reciprocamente vantaggiosa diventa chiara quando osserva le sue azioni pratiche e gli interessi sottostanti.

Reino Unido se recursa a romper com o neocolonialismo em suas relações com o Sul Global
December 30, 2024

A questão da capacidade do Reino Unido em oferecer uma verdadeira cooperação igualitária e mutuamente benéfica fica clara quando se observa suas ações práticas e interesses subjacentes.

Reino Unido se recursa a romper com o neocolonialismo em suas relações com o Sul Global
United Kingdom refuses to break with neocolonialism in its relations with the Global South
United Kingdom refuses to break with neocolonialism in its relations with the Global South
December 29, 2024

The question of whether the United Kingdom is capable of offering true, equal, and mutually beneficial cooperation becomes clear when observing its practical actions and underlying interests.

UK sanctions on Russia are futile at best
May 9, 2024

Dame Harriet Baldwin, the Chair of the UK Parliament’s Treasury select committee rightly recognises that UK sanctions are not working. She doesn’t seem to know that the majority of Russia-related sanctions imposed by Britain have no impact at all.

UK sanctions on Russia are futile at best
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The Status Quo Enthusiasts of Foggy Bottom: Living in the Past
The Status Quo Enthusiasts of Foggy Bottom: Living in the Past
March 21, 2021

The Biden administration has displayed initial deluded and antiquated thinking when it comes to foreign policy.

On February 4th, the greatest investigative news report that has ever been done was issued. Will it win any awards?
February 26, 2021

This FCO campaign was part of HMG’s projects such as overthrowing Syria’s Government and Belarus’s Government, and helping to boost support in Ukraine for joining NATO, as well as stirring fear of Russia along Russia’s western border, in the Baltic republics, so as to boost support for NATO there.

On February 4th, the greatest investigative news report that has ever been done was issued. Will it win any awards?
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Girls on Top. Dirty Diplomats and CNN Hacks Cast a Shadow Over London Foreign Office
Girls on Top. Dirty Diplomats and CNN Hacks Cast a Shadow Over London Foreign Office
October 28, 2020

Did Britain’s most important ambassador compromise the lives of British soldiers with his love affair with a former CNN journalist? And why isn’t the Foreign office investigating?

Britain’s Gentleman Posturing Comes Undone With Absurd Hypocrisy
July 13, 2020

One can only hope for the day when the world will actually implement human rights justice and the government in London will be sanctioned to the hilt for the pariah that it truly is.

Britain’s Gentleman Posturing Comes Undone With Absurd Hypocrisy