Tag: European Commission

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Von der Leyen’s legacy
Von der Leyen’s legacy
July 26, 2024

A European Union that has not only given up, but is using its own people. This is the legacy of Ursula von der Leyen and all those who support her.

O legado de von der Leyen
July 25, 2024

Uma União Europeia que não apenas desistiu, como usa os seus próprios povos. Eis o legado de Ursula von der Leyen e de todos os que a apoiam.

O legado de von der Leyen
How many citizens do members of the European Parliament represent?
How many citizens do members of the European Parliament represent?
July 22, 2024

This inforgraphic provides an insight into how many European citizens each of MEP represents.

Ireland wages war on the Irish
July 22, 2024

Ursula von der Leyen has ordered Ireland’s destruction and those, who help her control the country from the shadows, are making fortunes from colluding with her and Genocide Joe Biden in its destruction.

Ireland wages war on the Irish
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Stink of commission hypocrisy over fines for perfume giant
Editor's Сhoice
Stink of commission hypocrisy over fines for perfume giant
June 26, 2024

Fragrance company punished for deleted messages while EU Commission chief’s private texts on vaccine procurement remain undisclosed.

EU now at a crossroads: Reform or self-destruction
June 13, 2024

As the election results show, far-right MEPs now hold a considerable part of the European parliament. Will Ursula von der Leyen, if re-elected, fight them or accommodate their ideas?

EU now at a crossroads: Reform or self-destruction
Don’t blame the Russians when Europe votes right
Editor's Сhoice
Don’t blame the Russians when Europe votes right
June 9, 2024

From blaming the ‘far right’ for political violence to blowing up the ‘Russiagate’ scandal, the EU elites are looking for scapegoats ahead of the elections.

EU’s Lebanon deal like pouring money into “bottomless pit”
May 5, 2024

Commission is “paying billions in tribute to foreign states instead of securing borders,” Austrian MEP commented

EU’s Lebanon deal like pouring money into “bottomless pit”
Editor's Сhoice