Tag: European Army
At a time when “democracies” advocate war and the end of social programs and “autocracies” seem to prefer peace and development programs, von der Leyen’s and António Costa’s choices represent, above all, the choices for the EU self-destruction.
l Vaticano publicó este lunes un documento dedicado al respeto de la “dignidad humana” en el que denuncia prácticas como el cambio de sexo o la maternidad subrogada.
Does Liz Truss see herself angling for a top job in the EU or what is seen as a new group which will take over its bigger role with Macron leading it?
A sort-of EU army is in the making, or at least on paper in Brussels. It’s radical in that it would probably not involve Germany so therefore leaving France at the helm. But who’s going to pay for it?