Tag: Milo Djukanovic

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Regime Changed, System Remains in Place in Montenegro
Regime Changed, System Remains in Place in Montenegro
April 5, 2023

Djukanovic will now be swept away as were Mobutu, Suharto, Mubarak, and scores of similar satraps who were allowed to misrule and steal for decades.

NATO Poodles Whitewashing History in Serbia and Montenegro and Serbian Kosovo With Metohija
March 26, 2023

U.S. Ambassador Hill is sending a message to the Serbs that they should not do what they want to do but they should do what he wants them to do.

NATO Poodles Whitewashing History in Serbia and Montenegro and Serbian Kosovo With Metohija
The Brezhnev Doctrine Comes Alive in Montenegro
The Brezhnev Doctrine Comes Alive in Montenegro
October 2, 2020

What the collective West seems to be saying to Montenegrins these days is, “Democracy is a simple game – the people cast their ballots on election day and at the end, NATO and the EU always win. Or else…”

Montenegro Charts a New Course
September 6, 2020

The three decade-old NATO-friendly regime has been dealt a blow which certainly marks the beginning of its terminal decline.

Montenegro Charts a New Course
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Did the Berlin Wall Just Fall in Montenegro?
Did the Berlin Wall Just Fall in Montenegro?
September 5, 2020

It may have been hard enough for the West to support a figure like Djukanovic for so long, but now he had become undefendable.

Milo Djukanovic’s Claims of Russian Assassination Plot Are a Desperate Ploy to Further NATO Bid
February 26, 2017

Reports surfacing in the British media of a Russian plot to kill Montenegro’s former prime minister Milo Djukanovic should be seen for the cynical ploy they are. To give just the smallest bit of defense to these British publications – yes, it is true Djukanovic is making these allegations. Is there any substance or proof to these allegations? No. The UK media has shown it is as politicized as its American mainstream counterparts like CNN by publishing such fake news…

Milo Djukanovic’s Claims of Russian Assassination Plot Are a Desperate Ploy to Further NATO Bid
Montenegro: NATO’s Latest Plaything for Baiting Russia
Montenegro: NATO’s Latest Plaything for Baiting Russia
November 9, 2016

You could hardly get a more sensational headline this week than this: «Montenegro says it foiled Russian-backed plan to kill PM Djukanovic». The dramatic «news» followed the announcement last Sunday by the country’s chief prosecutor that an attempted coup carried out – allegedly – by Russian nationalists had been foiled during last month’s parliamentary elections.

Montenegro: Mafia as Guarantor of Euro-Atlantic Integration
February 24, 2014

…According to documents in the possession of Italy’s prosecutor’s office and inquiries of independent journalists, Milo Djukanovic has had close ties with Italian and American mafia since a long time… Today Washington lets Djukanovic know that if he makes Montenegro a NATO member, then all the accusations related to criminal activities will be lifted… In 1999 NATO started its expansion to the Balkans by committing a grave crime – an aggression against Yugoslavia. Nowadays the creation of criminal regimes on the territory of former Yugoslavia is a logical continuation of its policy…

Montenegro: Mafia as Guarantor of Euro-Atlantic Integration