Tag: Diplomacy
Solo Estados Unidos puede cambiar la imagen de un genocidio y convertirlo en una gran oportunidad inmobiliaria en una ‘ubicación fenomenal’
Russia and Iran, as two immediate neighbours and great powers with a glorious history, had a difficult, chequered relationship through centuries. It goes to the credit of Iranian pragmatism that it learned to live with the consequences of Tsarist Russia’s expansionism rather than getting locked in eternal enmity. In some ways, it also shared the plight of China at the hands of predatory powers. Such bitter experiences inevitably get embedded in a nation’s psyche.
I recenti avvenimenti in Medio Oriente rendono necessario pensare a un nuovo sistema di interazione tra le forze chiave della regione.
The hood stays popped open the entire time, showing the whole world how the imperial sausage gets made.