Tag: Diplomacy

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Russia e Africa: una cooperazione reciprocamente vantaggiosa
Russia e Africa: una cooperazione reciprocamente vantaggiosa
December 20, 2024

Russia e Africa, quali conseguenze può portare una tale unione?

The West’s efforts to isolate Russia are failing
December 20, 2024

Despite the US’s attempts to isolate and ruin Russia, the Asian power soldiers on. October’s BRICS summit, hosted by Russia in Kazan, was attended by 24 world leaders and accepted 13 new partners. Though the members differ on political interests, their dissatisfaction with the international system unites them.

The West’s efforts to isolate Russia are failing
Editor's Сhoice
Peace plans, schmese plans: Key path to Ukraine peace long ignored by all
Editor's Сhoice
Peace plans, schmese plans: Key path to Ukraine peace long ignored by all
December 10, 2024

Politico ran the headline, “Ukraine Peace Plans Galore.” Ukraine, Russia, and China each have a peace plan. Trump is developing one. The Alliance of Democracies has one. It looks a lot like Ukraine’s plan at first glance.

El estilo Trump. A un mes de su posesión presidencial
December 8, 2024

Lo único que hará Trump, es interpretar el papel que le asignen las élites del establishment y a éstos las circunstancias históricas objetivas.

El estilo Trump. A un mes de su posesión presidencial
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Blinken is pushing for Ukrainian teens to die for U.S. hegemony
Editor's Сhoice
Blinken is pushing for Ukrainian teens to die for U.S. hegemony
December 6, 2024

You won’t see anyone in Tony Blinken’s family headed to the frontlines in Ukraine. These freaks see the population of this planet as nothing more than pawns on their grand chessboard, and they will sacrifice them just as casually.

Erdogan’s Idlib shock shadows “Kursk”
December 6, 2024

To seek a deal on Ukraine is to treat the symptom and to ignore a cure, Alastair Crooke writes.

Erdogan’s Idlib shock shadows “Kursk”
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Dementia as a military strategy
Dementia as a military strategy
December 5, 2024

The backbone of Washington’s action will be the same. For now, despite the changing world, the empire is still the empire.

When is a ceasefire not a ceasefire?
December 2, 2024

When it is set up by Washington and Israel is involved

When is a ceasefire not a ceasefire?
Editor's Сhoice