Tag: Cuba

Oltre un anno fa, Cina e Cuba hanno firmato un accordo di cooperazione per promuovere progetti di costruzione sull’isola caraibica nell’ambito della Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Only the U.S. can rebrand a genocide into a great real estate opportunity in a “phenomenal location”.

O’Grady also also points out that Cuba is a supporter of the dictatorial regime of Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro, who has ruthlessly tyrannized the Venezuelan people, not only politically but also economically with the same type of socialist economic system that exists in Cuba. Harkening back to the popular post-9/11 U.S. “war on terrorism,” which replaced the previously popular “war on communism,” she points out that Venezuela is as big a supporter of terrorism as Cuba is.

Danny Shaw has been traveling to Cuba since 1995 in support of the country’s socialist revolution. Unsatisfied with the official proclamations and guided tours for international leftists, he embarked on a project of first-hand ethnographic research across the country over the decades. With a command of Cuban Spanish, Shaw wandered off the beaten path, independently evaluating conditions in the country.