Tag: China
It’s still before dawn when hundreds of Chinese missiles begin to rain down on Taiwan. Much of the self-governing island’s air and naval forces are obliterated in a matter of minutes. Chinese special forces storm the residence and offices of the Taiwanese president, executing the “decapitation strike” they’ve trained for years to carry out.
The microchip war continues and may soon take a new direction. Many of the geopolitically significant events of 20225 and beyond will depend on it.
Un terremoto di magnitudo 7,1 ha colpito la contea di Tingri, nello Xizang, causando 126 vittime e 337 feriti. Mentre Pechino guida efficienti operazioni di soccorso, la tragedia diventa bersaglio di strumentalizzazioni propagandistiche da parte di organizzazioni anti-cinesi.
Are the BRIC states – Brazil, Russia, India and China – more conservative than Western countries?