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U.S. boots on the Arab ground
U.S. boots on the Arab ground
May 6, 2024

America’s military presence in the Middle East remains significant even as its focus shifts to Asia-Pacific, specifically to containing China. Around 50,000 U.S. troops are stationed in the Arab countries of the Middle East, including 900 troops illegally occupying the oil-rich areas of Syria. Major U.S. troop developments (estimated numbers).

A guerra da Asia Ocidental definira o novo mundo multipolar
November 16, 2023

Nenhum poder na Terra pode deter Israel. A sua estabilidade e defesa estão indissociavelmente ligadas a esta guerra, o que também garantirá o compromisso permanente dos EUA com a sua segurança como um template das estratégias globais americanas.

A guerra da Asia Ocidental definira o novo mundo multipolar
U.S. and Turkey Keep Idlib a Terrorist Safe Haven
U.S. and Turkey Keep Idlib a Terrorist Safe Haven
October 16, 2022

The Biden administration should develop a plan with Turkey and Russia to bring Idlib under the control of the Syrian government.

Decoding the Pentagon’s Online War Against Iran
October 3, 2022

From a click of a button in the US to violence on the streets of Tehran, the latest protests in Iran are being engineered and provoked from outside.

Decoding the Pentagon’s Online War Against Iran
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Is America Ready for John Bolton’s War With Iran?
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Is America Ready for John Bolton’s War With Iran?
May 10, 2019

National Security Advisor John Bolton’s announcement this week that the U.S. is deploying a carrier strike group and a bomber task force to the U.S. Central Command region seemed perfectly framed to put America on a war footing with Iran. And it is.

A “Death Trap” in Raqqa: Amnesty Finds U.S.-Led Coalition Killed More Than 1,600 Syrian Civilians
April 30, 2019

The coalition launched thousands of airstrikes and tens of thousands of artillery strikes on the city. U.S. troops fired more artillery into Raqqa than anywhere since the Vietnam War.

A “Death Trap” in Raqqa: Amnesty Finds U.S.-Led Coalition Killed More Than 1,600 Syrian Civilians
CENTCOM Commander Admits Failure in Syria Strategy
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CENTCOM Commander Admits Failure in Syria Strategy
March 27, 2018

Appearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee this month, CENTCOM commander General Joseph L. Votel set about talking straight on Syria. Votel, in a colloquy with Senator Lindsey Graham that was refreshing for its brevity and candor, acknowledged that the principal ambition of U.S. policy towards Syria—the removal of President Bashar al Assad at the behest of a motley assortment of Islamist and reformist oppositionists—has failed.

Propaganda, Confrontation and Profit
December 6, 2017

The waves, the artificial tides of anti-Russian propaganda continue to beat upon the ears and eyes of Western citizens, spurred by Washington politicians and bureaucrats whose motives vary from deviously duplicitous to blatantly commercial.

Propaganda, Confrontation and Profit