Tag: Brexit

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The UK: A Return to the Past Masquerading as the Future
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The UK: A Return to the Past Masquerading as the Future
January 18, 2023

It is an understatement to say that 2022 has been a dismal year in British politics, except of course for the plutocrats who have their nasty paws on the levers of power with the active connivance of the Tory government.

Boris Hasn’t Delivered on Brexit, So Why Should the British Trust Him on Ukraine?
June 30, 2022

‘We can’t afford to feed our own people but we can afford to bankroll a war in Ukraine against Putin’ Really?

Boris Hasn’t Delivered on Brexit, So Why Should the British Trust Him on Ukraine?
Operation Surprise: Leaked Emails Expose Secret Intelligence Coup to Install Boris Johnson
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Operation Surprise: Leaked Emails Expose Secret Intelligence Coup to Install Boris Johnson
May 18, 2022

Leaked emails reviewed by The Grayzone reveal possibly criminal plot by pro-Leave elites to sabotage Theresa May’s Brexit deal, infiltrate government, spy on campaign groups, and replace May with Boris Johnson.

In the Great Tradition of Populist Leaders, Boris Johnson can no Longer Tell Truth From Falsehood
December 21, 2021

Johnson required no tuition in mendacity since he had practiced it continually throughout his career, but he was nevertheless impressed by Trump’s expertise in selling falsehoods.

In the Great Tradition of Populist Leaders, Boris Johnson can no Longer Tell Truth From Falsehood
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The Controlled Demolition of the EU: To Avoid It, Berlin Looked South When It Bet on Draghi (but Had to Look Northeast As Well)
The Controlled Demolition of the EU: To Avoid It, Berlin Looked South When It Bet on Draghi (but Had to Look Northeast As Well)
November 3, 2021

Draghi represents the forced continuity wanted by the Paris-Berlin axis for the EU: the Italians wanted to leave in 2020, the solution was the former head of the ECB as Prime Minister. How long will it last, with galloping inflation and Poland as anti-EU?

London Is Exploiting Danger of Conflict in Ireland to Extract Brexit Concessions from EU
October 16, 2021

London is betting that the EU will continue to blink and make concessions in order to avoid creating conflict in Ireland, Finian Cunningham writes.

London Is Exploiting Danger of Conflict in Ireland to Extract Brexit Concessions from EU
Britain’s Johnson Tries to Roam the Globe
Britain’s Johnson Tries to Roam the Globe
October 5, 2021

Britain isn’t flourishing, and Johnson’s silly pretensions in that regard are only lowering the UK’s standing even further — all round the globe.

The Greatest Threat to Britain Isn’t China or Russia, It’s Boris Johnson
July 20, 2021

The problem facing all nationalist populist leaders in the world is that they promise bread and circuses for everybody, but seldom deliver them. This is true of Trump in the US and Modi in India, and is also the case for Johnson in Britain.

The Greatest Threat to Britain Isn’t China or Russia, It’s Boris Johnson
Editor's Сhoice