Tag: Albright

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Madeleine Albright’s Funeral Buried Her Legacy of War-Making and Extraordinary Deceit
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Madeleine Albright’s Funeral Buried Her Legacy of War-Making and Extraordinary Deceit
April 29, 2022

The word “Iraq” was not uttered once during the three hour funeral of Madeleine Albright, who laid the groundwork for the US invasion of the country and helped set the stage for the current war in Ukraine.

Madeleine Albright’s Legacy Lives on as False Flag Attacks and Fake News Comes Straight From Yugoslav War Handbook
April 17, 2022

The events on the ground and across the diplomatic community involved in the Ukraine conflict are strikingly similar.

Madeleine Albright’s Legacy Lives on as False Flag Attacks and Fake News Comes Straight From Yugoslav War Handbook
Madeleine Albright: in Memoriam?
Madeleine Albright: in Memoriam?
March 24, 2022

The demons will still be there at the end of the journey, waiting for her arrival and for the pleasure of her company.

America: ‘Indispensable Nation’ No More
February 23, 2019

President Trump’s half-baked formula for Making America Great Again—building “the wall,” provoking trade wars, and elevating Iran to the status of existential threat—is, to put it mildly, flawed, if not altogether irrelevant. His own manifest incompetence and limited attention span don’t help.

America: ‘Indispensable Nation’ No More
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Pompeo’s Albright Moment Arrives
Pompeo’s Albright Moment Arrives
November 13, 2018

It’s getting harder and harder for Pompeo and Trump to defend their positions on Israel and Saudi Arabia as their behavior becomes more erratic and shameful.

‘The Biggest Player in the History of the World’
May 1, 2018

The world which Xi envisions is wholly incompatible with Washington’s priorities. Xi is not only more powerful than any predecessor other than Mao, he knows it, and intends to make his mark on world history.

‘The Biggest Player in the History of the World’
The Destruction of Yugoslavia: A Template for America’s Future Policy
The Destruction of Yugoslavia: A Template for America’s Future Policy
August 17, 2016

The prospects of a Hillary Clinton presidency bring back to the memories of the peoples of the Balkans the era of the 1990s, when Bill Clinton, NATO, and the forces of globalism brought about the collapse of Yugoslavia and a surge in nationalism in the Balkans not seen since World War II. The planned US destruction of Yugoslavia is spelled out in an October 31, 1988, US National Intelligence Council memorandum titled «‘Sense of Community’ Report on Yugoslavia»…