Declan Hayes
March 27, 2025
© Photo: Public domain

Regardless of whatever names or ideological flavours they camouflage themselves with, the world’s various Jihadist outfits are so-called post-national groups whose ideas dovetail nicely with the ideology of globalist Western groupings.

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Regardless of whatever different names or ideological flavours they camouflage themselves with in the various theatres they commit their crimes in, the world’s various Jihadist outfits are so-called post-national groups whose idea of what they term a Caliphate dovetails nicely with the ideology of globalist Western groupings like the European Union and the World Economic Forum, which seek to dismantle sovereign nation-states in favour of top down global governance. Though this is most evident in Syria, where I have most experience, it is also evident in Balochistan, which is conveniently perched between Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan and where jihadism, whatever its other qualities, is sure to weaken those three already fragile nation-states and therefore serve the interests of any and all actors who want one or more of those nation-states dismantled or destroyed.

The extreme and gratuitous violence and genocides we see in Syria’s coastal regions and which we previously saw used against the Yazidi, Mandaeans and Shias of Iraq scare off effective opposition and it traumatises target populations into compliance, all the more so if they are like Syria’s Alawites and are unorganised beyond the village level. Though this violence is, again, most evident in Syria where noted Christians and other players are currying favour with Jolani and his immediate family, it has also been prevalent in the multi ethnic Russian Federation, where schools and theatres have regularly been targeted by these self-same post-nation-state groups.

We have, then, at least two common features which typify these groups. One is their antipathy to those nation states such as Russia and the Syrian Arab Republic on NATO’s naughty list and the other is extreme and gratuitous violence. To this, we can add their loosely defined ideology and poorly defined economic policies to get a fuller picture of where these characters stand and precisely whose interests they serve.

Syria, again, spells all this out in spades. The violence these jihadists have meted out to defenceless minorities and non-compliant Sunnis in Iraq and Syria is comparable to what the Israelis have dished out to the Palestinians over the last 80 years and Erdoğan’s falteringTurkish regime remains a byword in brutality. That both of those rogue nations have, along with the United States and their Kurdish proxies, grabbed large slivers of Syria for themselves indicates who precisely are the powers behind the jihadists’ masks.

To be more precise still, we can say that Jolani’s rapid installation of his jihadist Caliphate has more to do with the ousting of Hakan Fidan and his Kemalist allies from the MIT and the Turkish Army. This allowed the various jihadist gangsters operating in Syria to put their differences aside, to stop killing each other and to unite to overthrow the Syrian nation-state, which was a win-win for all of those, Israel and Turkey in particular, that wanted Syria destroyed.

That Jolani’s crew never ever threw as much as a cabbage head at Israel, whose assault troops now sit on the southern edge of Damascus, indicates that national or regional, never mind global jihad was never on their bucket list. And the fact that there was always freedom of movement for Syria’s head chopping jihadists between northern Syria and MIT controlled southern Turkey indicates Jolani’s head hackers never had any problem with Turkey’s machinations up north.

The problem, it seems, was with that Assad fellow and his Sunni wife. Get rid of them and his shock troops (read Alawite babies in swaddling clothes) and she’ll be right mate. Fair enough but what about the day after?

How will these jihadists earn a crust when there are no more Alawites or Armenians to shake down and slaughter? Although tourism would be one good money earner that costs little to implement (the ancient sites of Maaloula and Palmyra,or what is left of them, are still there and that garner hard currency, the first thing these savages did on getting rid of Assad was to smash all of the ancient Assyrian statues in the museums of northern Syria. Don’t expect any John Keats to rock up popularising these attractions by writing Ode on an Assyrian Urn as such cultural displays are haram with these ignoramuses.

As regards the long suffering Armenians, not only did the Turks and their Kurdish sidekicks try to exterminate the lot of them over a century ago but they deliberately destroyed the huge Armenian and Assyrian relics, churches and museums of Deir Ezzor when they first overran it. Don’t expect any Armenian or Assyrian tourists unless those Armenians, who have so far escaped their clutches, have a death wish. Much the same applies to Shias on pilgrimage, who will be treated even much worse than the money grabbing Saudis treat them in Mecca and Medina.

But why Syria? What great crime did the Syrian Arab Republic (SAR) commit that Turkey, Israel and their NATO backers sent every devil in hell to them? Although the SAR has been accused of many crimes, it main one was that it was independent, sovereign and secular and, in the days of Hafez Assad and Gamal Nasser was the main impediment both to Zionism’s pan-national project and to Turkey’s ambitions to recreate the pan-national Ottoman Caliphate. Not only is pan-Arabism now dead but Syria will now be just a dumping ground for cheap Turkish products and Trump’s Gaza Riviera plans will probably be instituted in Latakia and Tartous once the Alawite “natives” are sufficiently thinned out.

Although transforming Tartus and Latakia into cut price Ottoman harams is work for another day, the key thing for now is that these jihadists cats’ paws have destroyed the concept of the Arab nation-state and, from the perspective of Israel, Turkey and their sponsors, that is a very good thing.

Although the concept of the nation state owes it origins to even long before Cardinal Richelieu kicked France into shape, its key features are a centralising of power and an identification of its citizenry/subjects with the symbols of that centralising power. Although this can be seen most clearly in the United States, where kindergarten kids are made swear allegiance to their flag and their leaders every morning, multi ethnic countries like Saddam’s Iraq, the Syrian Arab Republic and modern Russia are not that different.

In Iraq, to take but one example, Saddam tolerated the Yazidi, as they were a link to the region’s Zoriastrian past, of which Sadam was rightly proud. And, though Syrians were likewise proud of their status of also being the cradle of civilisation, that does not sit easily with either the Israelis or the Turks or with the Western barbarians behind them. To them, Syrians, Libyans, Egyptians and Iraqis are to be hewers of wood and drawers of water with no national memories and no self-respect. Being made bark like dogs, as the defenceless Alawites were made do before being shot in the head, or being paraded semi-naked like the medics of Gaza were made do, is to be the lot of “those dogs”.

And, if we read this disturbing but typically incisive report by Bruna Frascolla or do even the most cursory google search on organ harvesting, much worse than that. The sad fact is that because the jihadists and other pan-national criminal groups allied to them have been indoctrinated to believe the rest of us exist only to serve them, even stripping us down for spare body parts is kosher, halal or whatever they wish to call it.

And, though Germany’s Annalena Baerbock can strut about Jobar like the Nazi clone that she is and give those criminals most responsible for Syria’s destruction billions of taxpayers’ euros as a reward for their handiwork even, as our Israeli friends tell us her face was pixelated on Syrian TV so as not to offend the head hackers’ moral sensibilities, she would, if she had a functioning moral compass, know that she is sowing, at great cost, the seeds of her own nation-state’s destruction.

But then again, that is the game of Baerbock, von der Leyen, Scholz, Merz and those other contemptible Germans, who are currently cock of the walk. Much like their own Hitler before them, they would sooner prefer to reduce Syria to ashes as a test run for invading Russia than they would to act like decent, moral people. But then, like Starmer, Macron and the rest of Europe’s political pygmies, they have been conditioned to believe that there are easy pickings in carving up nation-states like Syria, Libya, Iraq and even China and Russia.

And, of course there are, if the Germans and those jihadists they sponsor to do their dirty work can pull it off in China and Russia, like they did in those Arab and other countries already alluded to. Perhaps they will succeed and Iran, China and Russia will also be dismembered and the Fourth Reich’s Baerbocks, von der Leyens and Scholzes will enjoy another banquet on the graves of their latest victims. Though nobody can crystal ball all of that, it is up to the High Commands of those countries to ensure that these serial bullies will not be around, not only for the main meal but for the starters that precede it. If Russia and China cannot only take out the jihadist snake but the head of the jihadist snake, which resides not in Damascus but in Tel Aviv, Ankara, Paris, London and Berlin, they will be remembered long after the youngest of us have died of old age and have, like Baerbock’s jihadist buddies, been long forgotten.

The rise of ISIS and the fall of the nation-state

Regardless of whatever names or ideological flavours they camouflage themselves with, the world’s various Jihadist outfits are so-called post-national groups whose ideas dovetail nicely with the ideology of globalist Western groupings.

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Regardless of whatever different names or ideological flavours they camouflage themselves with in the various theatres they commit their crimes in, the world’s various Jihadist outfits are so-called post-national groups whose idea of what they term a Caliphate dovetails nicely with the ideology of globalist Western groupings like the European Union and the World Economic Forum, which seek to dismantle sovereign nation-states in favour of top down global governance. Though this is most evident in Syria, where I have most experience, it is also evident in Balochistan, which is conveniently perched between Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan and where jihadism, whatever its other qualities, is sure to weaken those three already fragile nation-states and therefore serve the interests of any and all actors who want one or more of those nation-states dismantled or destroyed.

The extreme and gratuitous violence and genocides we see in Syria’s coastal regions and which we previously saw used against the Yazidi, Mandaeans and Shias of Iraq scare off effective opposition and it traumatises target populations into compliance, all the more so if they are like Syria’s Alawites and are unorganised beyond the village level. Though this violence is, again, most evident in Syria where noted Christians and other players are currying favour with Jolani and his immediate family, it has also been prevalent in the multi ethnic Russian Federation, where schools and theatres have regularly been targeted by these self-same post-nation-state groups.

We have, then, at least two common features which typify these groups. One is their antipathy to those nation states such as Russia and the Syrian Arab Republic on NATO’s naughty list and the other is extreme and gratuitous violence. To this, we can add their loosely defined ideology and poorly defined economic policies to get a fuller picture of where these characters stand and precisely whose interests they serve.

Syria, again, spells all this out in spades. The violence these jihadists have meted out to defenceless minorities and non-compliant Sunnis in Iraq and Syria is comparable to what the Israelis have dished out to the Palestinians over the last 80 years and Erdoğan’s falteringTurkish regime remains a byword in brutality. That both of those rogue nations have, along with the United States and their Kurdish proxies, grabbed large slivers of Syria for themselves indicates who precisely are the powers behind the jihadists’ masks.

To be more precise still, we can say that Jolani’s rapid installation of his jihadist Caliphate has more to do with the ousting of Hakan Fidan and his Kemalist allies from the MIT and the Turkish Army. This allowed the various jihadist gangsters operating in Syria to put their differences aside, to stop killing each other and to unite to overthrow the Syrian nation-state, which was a win-win for all of those, Israel and Turkey in particular, that wanted Syria destroyed.

That Jolani’s crew never ever threw as much as a cabbage head at Israel, whose assault troops now sit on the southern edge of Damascus, indicates that national or regional, never mind global jihad was never on their bucket list. And the fact that there was always freedom of movement for Syria’s head chopping jihadists between northern Syria and MIT controlled southern Turkey indicates Jolani’s head hackers never had any problem with Turkey’s machinations up north.

The problem, it seems, was with that Assad fellow and his Sunni wife. Get rid of them and his shock troops (read Alawite babies in swaddling clothes) and she’ll be right mate. Fair enough but what about the day after?

How will these jihadists earn a crust when there are no more Alawites or Armenians to shake down and slaughter? Although tourism would be one good money earner that costs little to implement (the ancient sites of Maaloula and Palmyra,or what is left of them, are still there and that garner hard currency, the first thing these savages did on getting rid of Assad was to smash all of the ancient Assyrian statues in the museums of northern Syria. Don’t expect any John Keats to rock up popularising these attractions by writing Ode on an Assyrian Urn as such cultural displays are haram with these ignoramuses.

As regards the long suffering Armenians, not only did the Turks and their Kurdish sidekicks try to exterminate the lot of them over a century ago but they deliberately destroyed the huge Armenian and Assyrian relics, churches and museums of Deir Ezzor when they first overran it. Don’t expect any Armenian or Assyrian tourists unless those Armenians, who have so far escaped their clutches, have a death wish. Much the same applies to Shias on pilgrimage, who will be treated even much worse than the money grabbing Saudis treat them in Mecca and Medina.

But why Syria? What great crime did the Syrian Arab Republic (SAR) commit that Turkey, Israel and their NATO backers sent every devil in hell to them? Although the SAR has been accused of many crimes, it main one was that it was independent, sovereign and secular and, in the days of Hafez Assad and Gamal Nasser was the main impediment both to Zionism’s pan-national project and to Turkey’s ambitions to recreate the pan-national Ottoman Caliphate. Not only is pan-Arabism now dead but Syria will now be just a dumping ground for cheap Turkish products and Trump’s Gaza Riviera plans will probably be instituted in Latakia and Tartous once the Alawite “natives” are sufficiently thinned out.

Although transforming Tartus and Latakia into cut price Ottoman harams is work for another day, the key thing for now is that these jihadists cats’ paws have destroyed the concept of the Arab nation-state and, from the perspective of Israel, Turkey and their sponsors, that is a very good thing.

Although the concept of the nation state owes it origins to even long before Cardinal Richelieu kicked France into shape, its key features are a centralising of power and an identification of its citizenry/subjects with the symbols of that centralising power. Although this can be seen most clearly in the United States, where kindergarten kids are made swear allegiance to their flag and their leaders every morning, multi ethnic countries like Saddam’s Iraq, the Syrian Arab Republic and modern Russia are not that different.

In Iraq, to take but one example, Saddam tolerated the Yazidi, as they were a link to the region’s Zoriastrian past, of which Sadam was rightly proud. And, though Syrians were likewise proud of their status of also being the cradle of civilisation, that does not sit easily with either the Israelis or the Turks or with the Western barbarians behind them. To them, Syrians, Libyans, Egyptians and Iraqis are to be hewers of wood and drawers of water with no national memories and no self-respect. Being made bark like dogs, as the defenceless Alawites were made do before being shot in the head, or being paraded semi-naked like the medics of Gaza were made do, is to be the lot of “those dogs”.

And, if we read this disturbing but typically incisive report by Bruna Frascolla or do even the most cursory google search on organ harvesting, much worse than that. The sad fact is that because the jihadists and other pan-national criminal groups allied to them have been indoctrinated to believe the rest of us exist only to serve them, even stripping us down for spare body parts is kosher, halal or whatever they wish to call it.

And, though Germany’s Annalena Baerbock can strut about Jobar like the Nazi clone that she is and give those criminals most responsible for Syria’s destruction billions of taxpayers’ euros as a reward for their handiwork even, as our Israeli friends tell us her face was pixelated on Syrian TV so as not to offend the head hackers’ moral sensibilities, she would, if she had a functioning moral compass, know that she is sowing, at great cost, the seeds of her own nation-state’s destruction.

But then again, that is the game of Baerbock, von der Leyen, Scholz, Merz and those other contemptible Germans, who are currently cock of the walk. Much like their own Hitler before them, they would sooner prefer to reduce Syria to ashes as a test run for invading Russia than they would to act like decent, moral people. But then, like Starmer, Macron and the rest of Europe’s political pygmies, they have been conditioned to believe that there are easy pickings in carving up nation-states like Syria, Libya, Iraq and even China and Russia.

And, of course there are, if the Germans and those jihadists they sponsor to do their dirty work can pull it off in China and Russia, like they did in those Arab and other countries already alluded to. Perhaps they will succeed and Iran, China and Russia will also be dismembered and the Fourth Reich’s Baerbocks, von der Leyens and Scholzes will enjoy another banquet on the graves of their latest victims. Though nobody can crystal ball all of that, it is up to the High Commands of those countries to ensure that these serial bullies will not be around, not only for the main meal but for the starters that precede it. If Russia and China cannot only take out the jihadist snake but the head of the jihadist snake, which resides not in Damascus but in Tel Aviv, Ankara, Paris, London and Berlin, they will be remembered long after the youngest of us have died of old age and have, like Baerbock’s jihadist buddies, been long forgotten.

Regardless of whatever names or ideological flavours they camouflage themselves with, the world’s various Jihadist outfits are so-called post-national groups whose ideas dovetail nicely with the ideology of globalist Western groupings.

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Regardless of whatever different names or ideological flavours they camouflage themselves with in the various theatres they commit their crimes in, the world’s various Jihadist outfits are so-called post-national groups whose idea of what they term a Caliphate dovetails nicely with the ideology of globalist Western groupings like the European Union and the World Economic Forum, which seek to dismantle sovereign nation-states in favour of top down global governance. Though this is most evident in Syria, where I have most experience, it is also evident in Balochistan, which is conveniently perched between Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan and where jihadism, whatever its other qualities, is sure to weaken those three already fragile nation-states and therefore serve the interests of any and all actors who want one or more of those nation-states dismantled or destroyed.

The extreme and gratuitous violence and genocides we see in Syria’s coastal regions and which we previously saw used against the Yazidi, Mandaeans and Shias of Iraq scare off effective opposition and it traumatises target populations into compliance, all the more so if they are like Syria’s Alawites and are unorganised beyond the village level. Though this violence is, again, most evident in Syria where noted Christians and other players are currying favour with Jolani and his immediate family, it has also been prevalent in the multi ethnic Russian Federation, where schools and theatres have regularly been targeted by these self-same post-nation-state groups.

We have, then, at least two common features which typify these groups. One is their antipathy to those nation states such as Russia and the Syrian Arab Republic on NATO’s naughty list and the other is extreme and gratuitous violence. To this, we can add their loosely defined ideology and poorly defined economic policies to get a fuller picture of where these characters stand and precisely whose interests they serve.

Syria, again, spells all this out in spades. The violence these jihadists have meted out to defenceless minorities and non-compliant Sunnis in Iraq and Syria is comparable to what the Israelis have dished out to the Palestinians over the last 80 years and Erdoğan’s falteringTurkish regime remains a byword in brutality. That both of those rogue nations have, along with the United States and their Kurdish proxies, grabbed large slivers of Syria for themselves indicates who precisely are the powers behind the jihadists’ masks.

To be more precise still, we can say that Jolani’s rapid installation of his jihadist Caliphate has more to do with the ousting of Hakan Fidan and his Kemalist allies from the MIT and the Turkish Army. This allowed the various jihadist gangsters operating in Syria to put their differences aside, to stop killing each other and to unite to overthrow the Syrian nation-state, which was a win-win for all of those, Israel and Turkey in particular, that wanted Syria destroyed.

That Jolani’s crew never ever threw as much as a cabbage head at Israel, whose assault troops now sit on the southern edge of Damascus, indicates that national or regional, never mind global jihad was never on their bucket list. And the fact that there was always freedom of movement for Syria’s head chopping jihadists between northern Syria and MIT controlled southern Turkey indicates Jolani’s head hackers never had any problem with Turkey’s machinations up north.

The problem, it seems, was with that Assad fellow and his Sunni wife. Get rid of them and his shock troops (read Alawite babies in swaddling clothes) and she’ll be right mate. Fair enough but what about the day after?

How will these jihadists earn a crust when there are no more Alawites or Armenians to shake down and slaughter? Although tourism would be one good money earner that costs little to implement (the ancient sites of Maaloula and Palmyra,or what is left of them, are still there and that garner hard currency, the first thing these savages did on getting rid of Assad was to smash all of the ancient Assyrian statues in the museums of northern Syria. Don’t expect any John Keats to rock up popularising these attractions by writing Ode on an Assyrian Urn as such cultural displays are haram with these ignoramuses.

As regards the long suffering Armenians, not only did the Turks and their Kurdish sidekicks try to exterminate the lot of them over a century ago but they deliberately destroyed the huge Armenian and Assyrian relics, churches and museums of Deir Ezzor when they first overran it. Don’t expect any Armenian or Assyrian tourists unless those Armenians, who have so far escaped their clutches, have a death wish. Much the same applies to Shias on pilgrimage, who will be treated even much worse than the money grabbing Saudis treat them in Mecca and Medina.

But why Syria? What great crime did the Syrian Arab Republic (SAR) commit that Turkey, Israel and their NATO backers sent every devil in hell to them? Although the SAR has been accused of many crimes, it main one was that it was independent, sovereign and secular and, in the days of Hafez Assad and Gamal Nasser was the main impediment both to Zionism’s pan-national project and to Turkey’s ambitions to recreate the pan-national Ottoman Caliphate. Not only is pan-Arabism now dead but Syria will now be just a dumping ground for cheap Turkish products and Trump’s Gaza Riviera plans will probably be instituted in Latakia and Tartous once the Alawite “natives” are sufficiently thinned out.

Although transforming Tartus and Latakia into cut price Ottoman harams is work for another day, the key thing for now is that these jihadists cats’ paws have destroyed the concept of the Arab nation-state and, from the perspective of Israel, Turkey and their sponsors, that is a very good thing.

Although the concept of the nation state owes it origins to even long before Cardinal Richelieu kicked France into shape, its key features are a centralising of power and an identification of its citizenry/subjects with the symbols of that centralising power. Although this can be seen most clearly in the United States, where kindergarten kids are made swear allegiance to their flag and their leaders every morning, multi ethnic countries like Saddam’s Iraq, the Syrian Arab Republic and modern Russia are not that different.

In Iraq, to take but one example, Saddam tolerated the Yazidi, as they were a link to the region’s Zoriastrian past, of which Sadam was rightly proud. And, though Syrians were likewise proud of their status of also being the cradle of civilisation, that does not sit easily with either the Israelis or the Turks or with the Western barbarians behind them. To them, Syrians, Libyans, Egyptians and Iraqis are to be hewers of wood and drawers of water with no national memories and no self-respect. Being made bark like dogs, as the defenceless Alawites were made do before being shot in the head, or being paraded semi-naked like the medics of Gaza were made do, is to be the lot of “those dogs”.

And, if we read this disturbing but typically incisive report by Bruna Frascolla or do even the most cursory google search on organ harvesting, much worse than that. The sad fact is that because the jihadists and other pan-national criminal groups allied to them have been indoctrinated to believe the rest of us exist only to serve them, even stripping us down for spare body parts is kosher, halal or whatever they wish to call it.

And, though Germany’s Annalena Baerbock can strut about Jobar like the Nazi clone that she is and give those criminals most responsible for Syria’s destruction billions of taxpayers’ euros as a reward for their handiwork even, as our Israeli friends tell us her face was pixelated on Syrian TV so as not to offend the head hackers’ moral sensibilities, she would, if she had a functioning moral compass, know that she is sowing, at great cost, the seeds of her own nation-state’s destruction.

But then again, that is the game of Baerbock, von der Leyen, Scholz, Merz and those other contemptible Germans, who are currently cock of the walk. Much like their own Hitler before them, they would sooner prefer to reduce Syria to ashes as a test run for invading Russia than they would to act like decent, moral people. But then, like Starmer, Macron and the rest of Europe’s political pygmies, they have been conditioned to believe that there are easy pickings in carving up nation-states like Syria, Libya, Iraq and even China and Russia.

And, of course there are, if the Germans and those jihadists they sponsor to do their dirty work can pull it off in China and Russia, like they did in those Arab and other countries already alluded to. Perhaps they will succeed and Iran, China and Russia will also be dismembered and the Fourth Reich’s Baerbocks, von der Leyens and Scholzes will enjoy another banquet on the graves of their latest victims. Though nobody can crystal ball all of that, it is up to the High Commands of those countries to ensure that these serial bullies will not be around, not only for the main meal but for the starters that precede it. If Russia and China cannot only take out the jihadist snake but the head of the jihadist snake, which resides not in Damascus but in Tel Aviv, Ankara, Paris, London and Berlin, they will be remembered long after the youngest of us have died of old age and have, like Baerbock’s jihadist buddies, been long forgotten.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 7, 2025

See also

March 7, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.