What the European far-right that Musk might yet bankroll lack and what have lacked since 1848 is America’s libertarian streak.
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A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre. ~ The Communist Manifesto, 1848
We are back to 1848, when the peoples of Belgium, Denmark, France, Galicia, the German Confederation, Greater Poland, the Habsburg Monarchy, Hungary, Ireland, the Italian States, Moldavia, the Romanian Principalities, Schleswig, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Wallachia rose up in bloody protest against their terrified masters.
Though current events in each of those hot spots deserve their own articles, I will concentrate on today’s Germany and the cordon sanitaire “all the powers of old Europe” have thrown up against this dangerous upheaval to the God-given right of von der Leyen, Kallas and similar bums to shake down the rest of us.
And, as God has entered the frame, where better to start than with the Vatican’s report on the German upheaval, which trots out Bishop Georg Bätzing (chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference), Bishop Kirsten Fehrs (the Chair of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany) and Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki (Archbishop of Cologne), who all congratulate the German electorate and their elected representatives for holding the line and forming a German cordon sanitaire against their own far-right, who are, they would have us believe, the very reincarnation of Hitler’s Wehrmacht and who, at the drop of a hat, will goose step back into Poland and all the way to Moscow and Stalingrad if Europe’s “holy alliance” do not stop them. For, make no mistake about it, Europe’s far-right are a dangerous lot and not only do they do Putin’s bidding but they have enlisted POTUS Trump and Musk to their ranks as well.
First, let’s get the Putin and Russian canards out of the frame. Putin is the bogeyman Europe’s parasitic order needs and, as the old cliché has it, if Putin did not exist, they would have to invent him. This is because the only thing that binds von der Leyen, Estonia’s Kallas and France’s Macron together is to create an external spectre, before whom we should all cower and against whom we should pray that our lily-livered leaders protect us.
The problem with that is Putin is no concern of mine or of most marginalised Germans, who would dearly wish to start using Russia’s cheap energy again. Britain’s old age pensioners are being denied winter fuel because Sir Keir Starmer, who is a core part of this cordon sanitaire, needs their allowance to fuel Zelensky’s coke habit. And, as regards defending Ukrainian democracy, not only have countless articles skewered that straw man, but Zelensky’s Reich is still, this very day, displaying their fascism to the world by erecting monuments to Ulas Samchuk, one of Ukraine’s most notorious Nazi collaborators, who demanded the extermination of “Jewish chimpanzees” Poles and sundry others, who offended his far-right sensibilities.
And, as regards imitating Samchuk’s allies by marching on Moscow and Stalingrad without the proverbial pot to piss in, it is Starmer, Macron and their German and Estonian clowns who want us to do that. If not wanting to freeze my nuts off in a fox hole on the outskirts of Moscow or Stalingrad makes me far-right, fair enough and Starmer, Kallas or von der Leyen can take my place if they are so worried about what Putin’s Siberian Legions are up to. Deus vult!
But that is not how it has ever worked. The parasitic class that Starmer, Kallas, von der Leyen and Macron typify see others playing the role of cannon fodder and them continuing on their gravy train to nowhere.
Of course, to use the old parrot phrase, if we are so opposed to von der Lryen, Kallas and the rest of them, we can always vote them out. Fine, but no one elected von der Leyen or Kallas and, as the German, French, British and many other elections show, the electoral game is rigged to ensure these parasites are all but impossible to eject.
Germany exemplifies. Sahra Wagenknecht‘s BSW Party got just under 2.5 million votes but no seats, whereas the war mongering Grünen (Green) Party got 5.7 million votes and 85 seats and the South Schleswig Voters Association (SSW) got 76,000 votes and one seat, which was a very healthy return per vote cast.
If we pan out to the bigger parties like the CDU/CSU Party, we see that they get a vastly disproportionate share of the old, the sinecured and the downright comfortable voting for them, whereas the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), Old Europe’s bogeyman, predominates in the eastern part of Germany, the former German Democratic Republic. We have, if the voting patterns are our metric, several Germanys, the poorer GDR regions, where the AfD holds sway, the Bohemian and red light quarters of Berlin, Freiburg, Hamburg, Karlsruhe, Kiel, Köln, Münster and Stuttgart where the Greens rule the roost and the rest of the West where the I’m all right Jacks give the old Europeans their lop sided mandate
Although we could further disaggregate the German vote by age and sex, Britain better serves our purpose. That is because rank corruption has caused the Scottish National Party to implode and Labour’s Northern Red Wall has proved itself to be up for grabs by both the Conservative Party and Nigel Farage’s populist Reform Party. All Labour has between it and another melt down is Starmer refusing to hold elections, at least until another acceptable alternative, in the form of a revamped Conservative Party or a house trained Reform Party, can once again take command.
This is not to say that the far-right populists in France, Germany, England or anywhere else pose the same sort of threat to the old order that the 1848 revolutionaries did. They do not. Musk’s interest in Germany is as much fueled by his desire to sell them lithium batteries to complement their idiotic windmills as it is that he frets over failings in their democratic system. Much the same explains his interest in England’s lack of proper democracy.
But Musk is also a doer, not a Eurocrat. He is an overgrown child who wants to fly to Mars and he has more satellites in space than NASA or the Chinese do. He is an economic titan who would have given the robber barons of the nineteenth century a good run for their money. As for the likes of Mark Zuckerberg, because he knows that a Trump executive order could vaporise his flaky monopoly in a day, he is an obedient lapdog of no consequence in this debate.
As for Musk, if he ever visits Europe, he could observe the European Parliament, where over 7,000 of its employees do a weekly commute between Strasburg and Brussels for no good reason, except to grease the wheels of Europe’s massive corruption that not even Musk’s DOGE hot shots can conceptualise.
On that latter point, we see that Macron is umbilically tied to the Rothschilds and Friedrich Merz, Germany’s chancellor-in-waiting, was formerly on the board of Black Rock, as well as many other similar companies, who are likewise invested in Zelensky’s rump Reich and who more resemble the economically redundant aristocrats of Metternich’s old Europe just as Musk does its trail blazing entrepreneurs.
Although Marx’ Communist Manifesto would regard all these cats as parasitic capitalists, they are striped differently and the capitalism of Musk is very much at odds with the rentier capitalism Europe’s old order represents.
This European far-right that Musk might yet bankroll consists of a number of diverse actors, who include Israeli stooges like excellent street demagogue Tommy Robinson, astroturf populists like Nigel Farage (check out his half a bitter and cigarette, playing to the common man), intellectuals like the AfD’s lesbian leader and many more, who are not easily categorised. However, what they lack and what they have lacked since 1848 is America’s libertarian streak, typified in the land of the free and the home of the brave by the Second Amendment, the right of the ordinary American to tool up like Rambo, when not otherwise engaged eating red meat, attending NFL games or screaming for their heroes, Trump included, at wrestling matches.
The net result of that is that the ordinary Germans and the ordinary Europeans can only hope to take power with a ballot paper in one hand and not much else beyond empty air in the other, when the Dutch, German, British and French Gestapo, with the blessing of the aforementioned German clerics, set about cracking their skulls to keep their incestuous cordon sanitaire intact.