Declan Hayes
February 13, 2025
© Photo: Public domain

Though Trump may not make America great again, he will go a very long way in retaining America’s role as the world’s top thug.

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The middle of nowhere is the best place from which to begin understanding Trump’s game plan for global domination. Well, not quite the middle of nowhere but Diego Garcia which, because it sits thousands of miles from anywhere smack bang in the middle of the Indian Ocean, may, along with the tiny Chago Islands of which it is a part, as well be the middle of nowhere.

Now listen to Louisiana Senator and notorious Trump sidekick John Kennedy explain America’s reasoning to justify its continued occupation of this Malta of the Indian Ocean, so named because Diego Garcia has much the same pivotal military role Malta had in the Second World War. In the clip, Senator Kennedy points out that “China wants to run the whole world,” that France previously “owned” the Chagos islands before generously ceding them to Britain which built, “mostly with American dollars”, a joint military installation on Diego Garcia which, Senator Kennedy explains, is crucial for the United States to control the ChiComs in the Bay of Bengal and to allow America’s nuclear subs to dock. All of this, Kennedy explains, was fine until the malevolent United Nations began forcing the British to cede the Chagos to Mauritius, which formally administered the Chagos, just as Mexico administered the far away Philippines on behalf of Imperial Spain but which, Kennedy claims, has far too close a relationship with China. Kennedy’s little speech ends by making Britain a veiled offer they cannot refuse should they cede the Chagos Islands to Mauritius.

The heel of the hunt in all this is, as Musk’s abrasive comments on their stewardship shows, that British Prime Minister Starmer and British Foreign Minister David Lammy will be kicked about like a brace of rag dolls if they do not fall into line with their Yankee bosses. To see that that is not idle speculation, just recall that Trump recently threatened sanctions on Japan at a joint press conference with the Japanese Prime Minister. The British can either fall into line or be kicked into line; the Hobson’s choice is theirs.

Although British Foreign Minister Lammy has been a long term advocate for ceding the Chagos to Mauritius, Secretary of State Marco Rubio is on record as saying American security interests dictate that kite will not fly and, if it takes some Mauritian and British ass kicking to achieve America’s goal, what of it as the time for niceties is gone and the time to make America great again is at hand?

What is not up for discussion is Trump’s game plan, which consists of solidifying his home front and using the hi tech arsenal of Musk and friends to keep the ChiComs and any other Bolshies out there in line. Musk and Trump’s other key advocates have concluded that George Soros’ subversive cloak and dagger USAID tactics have had their day and the way forward is to build an entirely new array of modern weapons systems and to base them in Maltese-like strongholds like Diego Garcia.

To that end, Musk’s DOGE department is reforming the Pentagon’s contracting system to allow new systems with much heavier emphases on drones and AI to come online much more quickly. Musk’s out with the old and in with the new is bad news for the old time military lobbyists on Capitol Hill and, of course, good news for these American drone companies, as well as L3 Harris and similar American companies at the cutting edge of putting AI to military use.

Diego Garcia, nicknamed by the Yankee navy as “Footprint of Freedom,” has a key role to play in all that, especially as the entire Indian Ocean rim is now attaining sustained economic lift off. To keep a handle on all that development in all those diverse countries, Diego Garcia’s bomber base and deep water port, which can accommodate aircraft carriers, other surface ships, and nuclear submarines, is vital to American interests which are the only interests that matter.

Especially when China’s trade routes and overseas naval bases in Djibouti on the Horn of Africa and Gwadar Port in Pakistan, together with their Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) shenanigans in Bangladesh, Kenya, Maldives, Myanmar, Somalia, and Sri Lanka are taken into account.

Just as imperial Rome was not built in a day, so also will it take time to build the global empire that Americans like Trump, Musk and Kennedy feel is their God-given right. Just as with American football, so also with American politics do the Yanks work to a game plan where the coach (Musk?) clearly sets out time-bound, relevant, detailed, measurable and achievable objectives; where detailed SWOT analyses are conducted on the opposition (read Chicoms and Russkies), where every scenario is worked through and where every player knows the role he has to play.

Playing for global domination is a high stakes game and one few of us would be able to play well, especially if Russia, China, India and similar heavyweights were to align themselves against us. That said, if NATO’s Russian front can be sedated by passing the buck to America’s European docile lap dogs, if the Japanese and some others can be kept in line and if the appropriate tensions can be maintained between India and the Chicoms, then Musk, Kennedy and Trump would argue that there is hope their megalomania will prevail.

Although bar room flies will argue the contrary, the High Commands of India, China and Russia cannot afford that luxury. They must realise that the days of George Soros’ underhanded subversions are gone, and, as with Trump’s nuclear tipped version of the American SuperBowl, the days of the winner taking all is at hand.

Although those esteemed gentlemen must make their own calculations and devise their own game plans, one weakness they have is that obscure outposts like Diego Garcia, Guantanamo, El Salvador, Rwanda and Pine Gap give the Yanks unmatched leverage and that, with those cards in his hand, though Trump may not make America great again, he will go a very long way in retaining America’s role as the world’s top thug.

Diego Garcia, NATO’s Malta of the Indian Ocean, lays bare Trump’s global game plan

Though Trump may not make America great again, he will go a very long way in retaining America’s role as the world’s top thug.

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The middle of nowhere is the best place from which to begin understanding Trump’s game plan for global domination. Well, not quite the middle of nowhere but Diego Garcia which, because it sits thousands of miles from anywhere smack bang in the middle of the Indian Ocean, may, along with the tiny Chago Islands of which it is a part, as well be the middle of nowhere.

Now listen to Louisiana Senator and notorious Trump sidekick John Kennedy explain America’s reasoning to justify its continued occupation of this Malta of the Indian Ocean, so named because Diego Garcia has much the same pivotal military role Malta had in the Second World War. In the clip, Senator Kennedy points out that “China wants to run the whole world,” that France previously “owned” the Chagos islands before generously ceding them to Britain which built, “mostly with American dollars”, a joint military installation on Diego Garcia which, Senator Kennedy explains, is crucial for the United States to control the ChiComs in the Bay of Bengal and to allow America’s nuclear subs to dock. All of this, Kennedy explains, was fine until the malevolent United Nations began forcing the British to cede the Chagos to Mauritius, which formally administered the Chagos, just as Mexico administered the far away Philippines on behalf of Imperial Spain but which, Kennedy claims, has far too close a relationship with China. Kennedy’s little speech ends by making Britain a veiled offer they cannot refuse should they cede the Chagos Islands to Mauritius.

The heel of the hunt in all this is, as Musk’s abrasive comments on their stewardship shows, that British Prime Minister Starmer and British Foreign Minister David Lammy will be kicked about like a brace of rag dolls if they do not fall into line with their Yankee bosses. To see that that is not idle speculation, just recall that Trump recently threatened sanctions on Japan at a joint press conference with the Japanese Prime Minister. The British can either fall into line or be kicked into line; the Hobson’s choice is theirs.

Although British Foreign Minister Lammy has been a long term advocate for ceding the Chagos to Mauritius, Secretary of State Marco Rubio is on record as saying American security interests dictate that kite will not fly and, if it takes some Mauritian and British ass kicking to achieve America’s goal, what of it as the time for niceties is gone and the time to make America great again is at hand?

What is not up for discussion is Trump’s game plan, which consists of solidifying his home front and using the hi tech arsenal of Musk and friends to keep the ChiComs and any other Bolshies out there in line. Musk and Trump’s other key advocates have concluded that George Soros’ subversive cloak and dagger USAID tactics have had their day and the way forward is to build an entirely new array of modern weapons systems and to base them in Maltese-like strongholds like Diego Garcia.

To that end, Musk’s DOGE department is reforming the Pentagon’s contracting system to allow new systems with much heavier emphases on drones and AI to come online much more quickly. Musk’s out with the old and in with the new is bad news for the old time military lobbyists on Capitol Hill and, of course, good news for these American drone companies, as well as L3 Harris and similar American companies at the cutting edge of putting AI to military use.

Diego Garcia, nicknamed by the Yankee navy as “Footprint of Freedom,” has a key role to play in all that, especially as the entire Indian Ocean rim is now attaining sustained economic lift off. To keep a handle on all that development in all those diverse countries, Diego Garcia’s bomber base and deep water port, which can accommodate aircraft carriers, other surface ships, and nuclear submarines, is vital to American interests which are the only interests that matter.

Especially when China’s trade routes and overseas naval bases in Djibouti on the Horn of Africa and Gwadar Port in Pakistan, together with their Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) shenanigans in Bangladesh, Kenya, Maldives, Myanmar, Somalia, and Sri Lanka are taken into account.

Just as imperial Rome was not built in a day, so also will it take time to build the global empire that Americans like Trump, Musk and Kennedy feel is their God-given right. Just as with American football, so also with American politics do the Yanks work to a game plan where the coach (Musk?) clearly sets out time-bound, relevant, detailed, measurable and achievable objectives; where detailed SWOT analyses are conducted on the opposition (read Chicoms and Russkies), where every scenario is worked through and where every player knows the role he has to play.

Playing for global domination is a high stakes game and one few of us would be able to play well, especially if Russia, China, India and similar heavyweights were to align themselves against us. That said, if NATO’s Russian front can be sedated by passing the buck to America’s European docile lap dogs, if the Japanese and some others can be kept in line and if the appropriate tensions can be maintained between India and the Chicoms, then Musk, Kennedy and Trump would argue that there is hope their megalomania will prevail.

Although bar room flies will argue the contrary, the High Commands of India, China and Russia cannot afford that luxury. They must realise that the days of George Soros’ underhanded subversions are gone, and, as with Trump’s nuclear tipped version of the American SuperBowl, the days of the winner taking all is at hand.

Although those esteemed gentlemen must make their own calculations and devise their own game plans, one weakness they have is that obscure outposts like Diego Garcia, Guantanamo, El Salvador, Rwanda and Pine Gap give the Yanks unmatched leverage and that, with those cards in his hand, though Trump may not make America great again, he will go a very long way in retaining America’s role as the world’s top thug.

Though Trump may not make America great again, he will go a very long way in retaining America’s role as the world’s top thug.

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The middle of nowhere is the best place from which to begin understanding Trump’s game plan for global domination. Well, not quite the middle of nowhere but Diego Garcia which, because it sits thousands of miles from anywhere smack bang in the middle of the Indian Ocean, may, along with the tiny Chago Islands of which it is a part, as well be the middle of nowhere.

Now listen to Louisiana Senator and notorious Trump sidekick John Kennedy explain America’s reasoning to justify its continued occupation of this Malta of the Indian Ocean, so named because Diego Garcia has much the same pivotal military role Malta had in the Second World War. In the clip, Senator Kennedy points out that “China wants to run the whole world,” that France previously “owned” the Chagos islands before generously ceding them to Britain which built, “mostly with American dollars”, a joint military installation on Diego Garcia which, Senator Kennedy explains, is crucial for the United States to control the ChiComs in the Bay of Bengal and to allow America’s nuclear subs to dock. All of this, Kennedy explains, was fine until the malevolent United Nations began forcing the British to cede the Chagos to Mauritius, which formally administered the Chagos, just as Mexico administered the far away Philippines on behalf of Imperial Spain but which, Kennedy claims, has far too close a relationship with China. Kennedy’s little speech ends by making Britain a veiled offer they cannot refuse should they cede the Chagos Islands to Mauritius.

The heel of the hunt in all this is, as Musk’s abrasive comments on their stewardship shows, that British Prime Minister Starmer and British Foreign Minister David Lammy will be kicked about like a brace of rag dolls if they do not fall into line with their Yankee bosses. To see that that is not idle speculation, just recall that Trump recently threatened sanctions on Japan at a joint press conference with the Japanese Prime Minister. The British can either fall into line or be kicked into line; the Hobson’s choice is theirs.

Although British Foreign Minister Lammy has been a long term advocate for ceding the Chagos to Mauritius, Secretary of State Marco Rubio is on record as saying American security interests dictate that kite will not fly and, if it takes some Mauritian and British ass kicking to achieve America’s goal, what of it as the time for niceties is gone and the time to make America great again is at hand?

What is not up for discussion is Trump’s game plan, which consists of solidifying his home front and using the hi tech arsenal of Musk and friends to keep the ChiComs and any other Bolshies out there in line. Musk and Trump’s other key advocates have concluded that George Soros’ subversive cloak and dagger USAID tactics have had their day and the way forward is to build an entirely new array of modern weapons systems and to base them in Maltese-like strongholds like Diego Garcia.

To that end, Musk’s DOGE department is reforming the Pentagon’s contracting system to allow new systems with much heavier emphases on drones and AI to come online much more quickly. Musk’s out with the old and in with the new is bad news for the old time military lobbyists on Capitol Hill and, of course, good news for these American drone companies, as well as L3 Harris and similar American companies at the cutting edge of putting AI to military use.

Diego Garcia, nicknamed by the Yankee navy as “Footprint of Freedom,” has a key role to play in all that, especially as the entire Indian Ocean rim is now attaining sustained economic lift off. To keep a handle on all that development in all those diverse countries, Diego Garcia’s bomber base and deep water port, which can accommodate aircraft carriers, other surface ships, and nuclear submarines, is vital to American interests which are the only interests that matter.

Especially when China’s trade routes and overseas naval bases in Djibouti on the Horn of Africa and Gwadar Port in Pakistan, together with their Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) shenanigans in Bangladesh, Kenya, Maldives, Myanmar, Somalia, and Sri Lanka are taken into account.

Just as imperial Rome was not built in a day, so also will it take time to build the global empire that Americans like Trump, Musk and Kennedy feel is their God-given right. Just as with American football, so also with American politics do the Yanks work to a game plan where the coach (Musk?) clearly sets out time-bound, relevant, detailed, measurable and achievable objectives; where detailed SWOT analyses are conducted on the opposition (read Chicoms and Russkies), where every scenario is worked through and where every player knows the role he has to play.

Playing for global domination is a high stakes game and one few of us would be able to play well, especially if Russia, China, India and similar heavyweights were to align themselves against us. That said, if NATO’s Russian front can be sedated by passing the buck to America’s European docile lap dogs, if the Japanese and some others can be kept in line and if the appropriate tensions can be maintained between India and the Chicoms, then Musk, Kennedy and Trump would argue that there is hope their megalomania will prevail.

Although bar room flies will argue the contrary, the High Commands of India, China and Russia cannot afford that luxury. They must realise that the days of George Soros’ underhanded subversions are gone, and, as with Trump’s nuclear tipped version of the American SuperBowl, the days of the winner taking all is at hand.

Although those esteemed gentlemen must make their own calculations and devise their own game plans, one weakness they have is that obscure outposts like Diego Garcia, Guantanamo, El Salvador, Rwanda and Pine Gap give the Yanks unmatched leverage and that, with those cards in his hand, though Trump may not make America great again, he will go a very long way in retaining America’s role as the world’s top thug.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 16, 2025

See also

March 16, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.