José Goulão
November 28, 2024
© Photo: SCF

The “international order based on rules is not written, it is not possible to find it in any document or treaty, it is the result of the casuistic interpretation of facts often created artificially.

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The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) summit held on October 25th in Kazan, in the Russian Federation, managed to bring together around 50 high-level delegations from other countries, it was the first with the participation of four new full members – Egypt, Ethiopia, United Arab Emirates and Iran – and created a group of partners highly in tune with the spirit of the organization: Algeria, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Turkey (member of NATO), Uganda, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.

This is no small feat on the world stage. Furthermore, the BRICS interact on an equal footing, value above all the independence and sovereignty of each State involved in the process and negotiate among themselves according to mutually advantageous perspectives, the absolute denial of the imperial spirit still dominant in the system. of life on the planet.

The difference in behaviour, objectives and intentions of this rising renewing group compared to the aggressive but decadent behaviours of the Western world is the great confrontation of our days: between the old imperial and colonial order imposed manu-militari, financial, economic, political and propagandistic by the obsolete minority of the countries of the so-called collective West, the aforementioned rules-based international order; and the full restoration of International Law, the founding principle of BRICS and several other associations of emerging nations such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Belt and Road Initiative, the Association of Southeast Asian Countries (ASEAN) itself) which, step by step, refocus the world’s greatest weight on Eurasia and institute new non-imperial and non-colonial, that is, non-Western, relationship mechanisms.

However, we live in “the hour of monsters”. The sociopaths who, giving vent to the genocidal vocation, of which the actions of extermination and ethnic cleansing carried out by Zionism – in “defense of the West” – and the murderous prolongation of the war in Ukraine sponsored by Western desperation are flagrant examples, increasingly assume with greater and alarming frequency, there are no limits to the possible use of weapons to exterminate life on the planet.

The “international order based on rules is not written, it is not possible to find it in any document or treaty, it is the result of the casuistic interpretation of facts often created artificially and supposed realities that are nothing more than lies or falsifications so that the “ Western interests”, confused, in a permanent coup system, with the rights of all peoples and nations.

The “law” on which the global West is based does not exist, it is not legitimate in the international legal system: it is proof of the fraud that what is still called the “Rule of Law” has become.

In short, the “rules-based international order” is an abuse of authoritarian, undemocratic power, with undeniable fascist overtones that seeks to manage the entire planet by force and under which numerous countries on all continents are still subjugated. It is nothing more than a fiction as an instrument of Law and military, economic, political and diplomatic relations, but we will all be capable, depending on the experience we are living, of recording it in print. It will, without a doubt, be a useful exercise for future memory, now that authentic International Law is gaining new momentum in direct proportion to the failure of the power of the “rules” to which the West continues to cling like a shipwreck.

I elaborate on these lines only one possible version. Any citizen immune to the media control helmet will be able to write their variant; which will certainly not be very different in content.

Here is, therefore, my proposal for the “rules-based international order” to be documented – even if against the will and, obviously, without authorization of those who apply it and thus violate all our rights as citizens.

Rules-Based International Order – The Rules

1. The United States of America is the only Indispensable nation, the Exceptional nation, which is responsible for guiding and commanding the Collective West in defending its interests on any continent, ocean, regions and also in space.

2. The United States of America is the model of the only Democracy recognized as such across the planet and the only financial, economic, military and political system that can be practiced in the world: which results from the full and free functioning of the Market according to principles established in the 1989 Washington Consensus; These norms regulate the implementation and globalization of the neoliberal system inspired by the absolute authority of the theory and practice of the Austrian School of economic thought and applied in full for the first time, through the Chicago School and with recognized success, in the Chilean Revolution of 1973 – which put an end to an inhumane and deviant socialist system.

  • Paragraph 1. The United States and the collective West will be able to tolerate and support expressions and regimes of a fascist, Nazi and Zionist nature if they are essential for the defense of Western interests and the liquidation of theories, currents and political-economic organizations that are inimical to the Market, alien to the Our Civilization and whose sole objective, as extreme expressions of barbarism, is to exterminate and extinguish it completely.
  • Paragraph 2 – The United States and Western countries have the duty and obligation to impose, if necessary through force and other dissuasive methods of intervention, including the correction of existing regimes, the holding of general elections in all nations of the planet according to the unique model, that of Liberal Democracy, originally founded and practiced in the United States of America. Any election results presented as fair and legitimate in any nation on the planet and that do not correspond to the interests of the West and the absolute freedom of the Market will be considered falsified and manipulated, a necessary and sufficient reason for them not to be recognized by Western nations. These nations, primarily the United States of America, reserve the duty to enforce that these entities are isolated, excluded and punished within the international community defined by this International Rules-Based Order.

3. As an Exceptional nation and the only Indispensable one, the United States will not allow the economic and military growth of any other nation, community, union, alliance or association of countries that makes it capable of rivalling or calling into question the innate North American role as guide and commander of world order. This unquestionable principle is also valid in relation to the essential, preventive and permanent containment of the dimensions of the international role that the European Union could hypothetically achieve.

4. The civilizing, religious, civic and human principles followed in the Collective West give shape to the only Civilization that can be considered as such, superior and predominant over any uses, practices and customs followed outside the Western space, which must be considered expressions of societies still in a savage and barbaric state. Superior Civilization is currently expressed through the only democratic, financial, economic, military, political and media system that must be imposed throughout the world until the full realization of globalism – a world without borders and without nations other than, as set out in Article 1, the one Indispensable nation or the One World Government sponsored by It.

5. The West, under the command of the United States of America – a mission previously carried out by other great nations equally inspired by God, Faith, Civilization, Humanism and Authority – has the right, duty and obligation to extend Superior Civilization to all the planet by all means at its disposal.

6. War is the excellent means of defending Western interests; therefore, the possibility of it being used against violators of this International Rules-Based Order will always be open. The West has every right – and obligation – to resort to War whenever Western institutions, with or without UN approval, conclude or even suspect that their interests are being harmed, at risk or threatened. Economic and political sanctions and the use of popular revolutions, also known as colour revolutions, do not replace War itself, they can be useful in achieving the objective of making it easier, more effective and less expensive in terms of Western human lives.

7. Peace is the state or situation found at the end of any War fought and won by Western forces. This is the only and authentic concept of Peace. Pacifist theories and pacifism serve, in practice, to fuel risks and attacks against Western rights and interests, so that they are nothing more than unacceptable and inadmissible manifestations of barbarism.

8. Sole paragraph. As long as traces of manifestations of savagery and barbarism remain, War must be the main concern in the formation and functioning of Western societies. Expensive social areas, often oversized in importance, such as health, education, housing, culture and ecology, must obey the rules of the Market through their full inclusion in the private sector; they will no longer be costly and will become profitable, reducing to a minimum, in this transformative path, the circumstances that still affect the budgetary means indispensable to guarantee the functioning, under ideal conditions, of a permanent state of War.

9. NATO is the only military alliance acceptable and permitted on the international stage and compatible with the defense of Western rights and this International Rules-Based Order. With the entry into force of the Washington Consensus, which is mandatory, NATO no longer has boundaries for its activities as an alliance or within the framework of other variants or versions, notably freedom fighters and other types of altruistic international soldiers committed to freedoms. and democracy (not comparable to mercenaries). Therefore, the Western Military Alliance has the right, duty and obligation to act anywhere on the planet where there are aggressions, threats or suspected threats to Western interests.

10. The Western concept of Security allows and gives the right to Western military contingents to expand to the borders, to surround or even attack and dismantle countries or groups of countries that the West defines as its enemies or barbarians. The Security of any Western country or interest can and must be achieved even if the actions taken harm the security, or even the existence, of third non-Western entities.

11. The enjoyment of the world’s natural wealth and raw materials belongs, by definition based on secular adverse possession, to Western Civilization, and it is up to the United States of America, as an Exceptional and Indispensable nation, to manage and redistribute it among the community of Western nations. For humanist reasons, Western Civilization may allow non-Western entities, even in a savage and barbaric state, under strict control and in the face of proven needs, to use some of these assets in instalments – with the condition that this does not result in the minimum harm to Western interests.

  • Paragraph 1. The fight against climate change is fought under the exclusive command of Our Civilization. Any transnational measure of ecological and environmental content and the green transition itself must take into account the free, superior and sovereign functioning of the Market.
  • Paragraph 2. Western control of the world’s natural wealth and raw materials, as well as the fight against climate change, could lead to the resort to War whenever it is concluded or suspected that the interests of Our Civilization and the freedom of the Market are not duly respected.

12. The only version of reality that exists in the world at any given moment is the one conveyed by the military, financial, economic, political and multiplatform media powers formed by the main global media groups. The unquestionable definition of global reality at each moment may have nuances according to cultural and political expressions that are expressed in the West – but without ever calling into question the only accepted truth. It is the obligation of Western economic-financial, military, political and communication institutions to silence and punish expressions of interests and opinions alien to and contrary to Our Civilization, invariably tuned to and sponsored by barbarism, making it urgent to accelerate this process on the Internet.

The Nations of the Collective West are free to accept or not the entry of refugees foreign to Our Civilization who seek to circumvent, almost always for opportunistic and selfish reasons, the inevitable consequences, such as collateral damage, of wars conducted by Western forces in defense of Western interests. Strict respect for the functioning of the Market determines that the quotas for these admissions are defined only by economic criteria, notably those dictated by the needs of cyclical filling of jobs in indispensable activities but which are less worthy of the state of development and principles of Our Civilization.

Special Article. The State of Israel, although located in geographically eastern territories, is an integral and inalienable part of the Collective West and Our Civilization; It is up to him, notably, to defend Western interests in the region by all the means and methods at his disposal, receiving for this purpose from Western countries, communities, unions, regions and alliances, at each moment, the financial, economic, political, and propaganda and, above all, military and weapons to achieve this essential task and the Rules-Based International Order is strictly applied.

The territory of Israel does not need defined borders, it can be expanded through the occupation, by any means, of the territories between the Nile and Euphrates rivers that it considers indispensable for its security and that of the entire West, because it lives surrounded by barbaric enemies fiercely attached to wild and savage methods. The Zionist doctrine, humanist and divinely mandated, notably regarding the millennial legitimacy of sovereignty over its territory, is an inseparable and irreplaceable component of Western Civilization, especially in geostrategic, geopolitical, military and religious terms through exclusively Western expressions of Faith, Hope, Charity and Piety.

Israel must diplomatically have the entire West on its side in the face of barbaric attempts to achieve its isolation and subsequent disappearance. The so-called “two-state solution”, occasionally and conjunctural defended by authoritative Western voices, emanates only from so-called international law, so it is absolutely incompatible with the Rules-Based International Order.

How much longer will we, the Western people, accept to live according to these rules?

For future memory of western decadence

The “international order based on rules is not written, it is not possible to find it in any document or treaty, it is the result of the casuistic interpretation of facts often created artificially.

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The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) summit held on October 25th in Kazan, in the Russian Federation, managed to bring together around 50 high-level delegations from other countries, it was the first with the participation of four new full members – Egypt, Ethiopia, United Arab Emirates and Iran – and created a group of partners highly in tune with the spirit of the organization: Algeria, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Turkey (member of NATO), Uganda, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.

This is no small feat on the world stage. Furthermore, the BRICS interact on an equal footing, value above all the independence and sovereignty of each State involved in the process and negotiate among themselves according to mutually advantageous perspectives, the absolute denial of the imperial spirit still dominant in the system. of life on the planet.

The difference in behaviour, objectives and intentions of this rising renewing group compared to the aggressive but decadent behaviours of the Western world is the great confrontation of our days: between the old imperial and colonial order imposed manu-militari, financial, economic, political and propagandistic by the obsolete minority of the countries of the so-called collective West, the aforementioned rules-based international order; and the full restoration of International Law, the founding principle of BRICS and several other associations of emerging nations such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Belt and Road Initiative, the Association of Southeast Asian Countries (ASEAN) itself) which, step by step, refocus the world’s greatest weight on Eurasia and institute new non-imperial and non-colonial, that is, non-Western, relationship mechanisms.

However, we live in “the hour of monsters”. The sociopaths who, giving vent to the genocidal vocation, of which the actions of extermination and ethnic cleansing carried out by Zionism – in “defense of the West” – and the murderous prolongation of the war in Ukraine sponsored by Western desperation are flagrant examples, increasingly assume with greater and alarming frequency, there are no limits to the possible use of weapons to exterminate life on the planet.

The “international order based on rules is not written, it is not possible to find it in any document or treaty, it is the result of the casuistic interpretation of facts often created artificially and supposed realities that are nothing more than lies or falsifications so that the “ Western interests”, confused, in a permanent coup system, with the rights of all peoples and nations.

The “law” on which the global West is based does not exist, it is not legitimate in the international legal system: it is proof of the fraud that what is still called the “Rule of Law” has become.

In short, the “rules-based international order” is an abuse of authoritarian, undemocratic power, with undeniable fascist overtones that seeks to manage the entire planet by force and under which numerous countries on all continents are still subjugated. It is nothing more than a fiction as an instrument of Law and military, economic, political and diplomatic relations, but we will all be capable, depending on the experience we are living, of recording it in print. It will, without a doubt, be a useful exercise for future memory, now that authentic International Law is gaining new momentum in direct proportion to the failure of the power of the “rules” to which the West continues to cling like a shipwreck.

I elaborate on these lines only one possible version. Any citizen immune to the media control helmet will be able to write their variant; which will certainly not be very different in content.

Here is, therefore, my proposal for the “rules-based international order” to be documented – even if against the will and, obviously, without authorization of those who apply it and thus violate all our rights as citizens.

Rules-Based International Order – The Rules

1. The United States of America is the only Indispensable nation, the Exceptional nation, which is responsible for guiding and commanding the Collective West in defending its interests on any continent, ocean, regions and also in space.

2. The United States of America is the model of the only Democracy recognized as such across the planet and the only financial, economic, military and political system that can be practiced in the world: which results from the full and free functioning of the Market according to principles established in the 1989 Washington Consensus; These norms regulate the implementation and globalization of the neoliberal system inspired by the absolute authority of the theory and practice of the Austrian School of economic thought and applied in full for the first time, through the Chicago School and with recognized success, in the Chilean Revolution of 1973 – which put an end to an inhumane and deviant socialist system.

  • Paragraph 1. The United States and the collective West will be able to tolerate and support expressions and regimes of a fascist, Nazi and Zionist nature if they are essential for the defense of Western interests and the liquidation of theories, currents and political-economic organizations that are inimical to the Market, alien to the Our Civilization and whose sole objective, as extreme expressions of barbarism, is to exterminate and extinguish it completely.
  • Paragraph 2 – The United States and Western countries have the duty and obligation to impose, if necessary through force and other dissuasive methods of intervention, including the correction of existing regimes, the holding of general elections in all nations of the planet according to the unique model, that of Liberal Democracy, originally founded and practiced in the United States of America. Any election results presented as fair and legitimate in any nation on the planet and that do not correspond to the interests of the West and the absolute freedom of the Market will be considered falsified and manipulated, a necessary and sufficient reason for them not to be recognized by Western nations. These nations, primarily the United States of America, reserve the duty to enforce that these entities are isolated, excluded and punished within the international community defined by this International Rules-Based Order.

3. As an Exceptional nation and the only Indispensable one, the United States will not allow the economic and military growth of any other nation, community, union, alliance or association of countries that makes it capable of rivalling or calling into question the innate North American role as guide and commander of world order. This unquestionable principle is also valid in relation to the essential, preventive and permanent containment of the dimensions of the international role that the European Union could hypothetically achieve.

4. The civilizing, religious, civic and human principles followed in the Collective West give shape to the only Civilization that can be considered as such, superior and predominant over any uses, practices and customs followed outside the Western space, which must be considered expressions of societies still in a savage and barbaric state. Superior Civilization is currently expressed through the only democratic, financial, economic, military, political and media system that must be imposed throughout the world until the full realization of globalism – a world without borders and without nations other than, as set out in Article 1, the one Indispensable nation or the One World Government sponsored by It.

5. The West, under the command of the United States of America – a mission previously carried out by other great nations equally inspired by God, Faith, Civilization, Humanism and Authority – has the right, duty and obligation to extend Superior Civilization to all the planet by all means at its disposal.

6. War is the excellent means of defending Western interests; therefore, the possibility of it being used against violators of this International Rules-Based Order will always be open. The West has every right – and obligation – to resort to War whenever Western institutions, with or without UN approval, conclude or even suspect that their interests are being harmed, at risk or threatened. Economic and political sanctions and the use of popular revolutions, also known as colour revolutions, do not replace War itself, they can be useful in achieving the objective of making it easier, more effective and less expensive in terms of Western human lives.

7. Peace is the state or situation found at the end of any War fought and won by Western forces. This is the only and authentic concept of Peace. Pacifist theories and pacifism serve, in practice, to fuel risks and attacks against Western rights and interests, so that they are nothing more than unacceptable and inadmissible manifestations of barbarism.

8. Sole paragraph. As long as traces of manifestations of savagery and barbarism remain, War must be the main concern in the formation and functioning of Western societies. Expensive social areas, often oversized in importance, such as health, education, housing, culture and ecology, must obey the rules of the Market through their full inclusion in the private sector; they will no longer be costly and will become profitable, reducing to a minimum, in this transformative path, the circumstances that still affect the budgetary means indispensable to guarantee the functioning, under ideal conditions, of a permanent state of War.

9. NATO is the only military alliance acceptable and permitted on the international stage and compatible with the defense of Western rights and this International Rules-Based Order. With the entry into force of the Washington Consensus, which is mandatory, NATO no longer has boundaries for its activities as an alliance or within the framework of other variants or versions, notably freedom fighters and other types of altruistic international soldiers committed to freedoms. and democracy (not comparable to mercenaries). Therefore, the Western Military Alliance has the right, duty and obligation to act anywhere on the planet where there are aggressions, threats or suspected threats to Western interests.

10. The Western concept of Security allows and gives the right to Western military contingents to expand to the borders, to surround or even attack and dismantle countries or groups of countries that the West defines as its enemies or barbarians. The Security of any Western country or interest can and must be achieved even if the actions taken harm the security, or even the existence, of third non-Western entities.

11. The enjoyment of the world’s natural wealth and raw materials belongs, by definition based on secular adverse possession, to Western Civilization, and it is up to the United States of America, as an Exceptional and Indispensable nation, to manage and redistribute it among the community of Western nations. For humanist reasons, Western Civilization may allow non-Western entities, even in a savage and barbaric state, under strict control and in the face of proven needs, to use some of these assets in instalments – with the condition that this does not result in the minimum harm to Western interests.

  • Paragraph 1. The fight against climate change is fought under the exclusive command of Our Civilization. Any transnational measure of ecological and environmental content and the green transition itself must take into account the free, superior and sovereign functioning of the Market.
  • Paragraph 2. Western control of the world’s natural wealth and raw materials, as well as the fight against climate change, could lead to the resort to War whenever it is concluded or suspected that the interests of Our Civilization and the freedom of the Market are not duly respected.

12. The only version of reality that exists in the world at any given moment is the one conveyed by the military, financial, economic, political and multiplatform media powers formed by the main global media groups. The unquestionable definition of global reality at each moment may have nuances according to cultural and political expressions that are expressed in the West – but without ever calling into question the only accepted truth. It is the obligation of Western economic-financial, military, political and communication institutions to silence and punish expressions of interests and opinions alien to and contrary to Our Civilization, invariably tuned to and sponsored by barbarism, making it urgent to accelerate this process on the Internet.

The Nations of the Collective West are free to accept or not the entry of refugees foreign to Our Civilization who seek to circumvent, almost always for opportunistic and selfish reasons, the inevitable consequences, such as collateral damage, of wars conducted by Western forces in defense of Western interests. Strict respect for the functioning of the Market determines that the quotas for these admissions are defined only by economic criteria, notably those dictated by the needs of cyclical filling of jobs in indispensable activities but which are less worthy of the state of development and principles of Our Civilization.

Special Article. The State of Israel, although located in geographically eastern territories, is an integral and inalienable part of the Collective West and Our Civilization; It is up to him, notably, to defend Western interests in the region by all the means and methods at his disposal, receiving for this purpose from Western countries, communities, unions, regions and alliances, at each moment, the financial, economic, political, and propaganda and, above all, military and weapons to achieve this essential task and the Rules-Based International Order is strictly applied.

The territory of Israel does not need defined borders, it can be expanded through the occupation, by any means, of the territories between the Nile and Euphrates rivers that it considers indispensable for its security and that of the entire West, because it lives surrounded by barbaric enemies fiercely attached to wild and savage methods. The Zionist doctrine, humanist and divinely mandated, notably regarding the millennial legitimacy of sovereignty over its territory, is an inseparable and irreplaceable component of Western Civilization, especially in geostrategic, geopolitical, military and religious terms through exclusively Western expressions of Faith, Hope, Charity and Piety.

Israel must diplomatically have the entire West on its side in the face of barbaric attempts to achieve its isolation and subsequent disappearance. The so-called “two-state solution”, occasionally and conjunctural defended by authoritative Western voices, emanates only from so-called international law, so it is absolutely incompatible with the Rules-Based International Order.

How much longer will we, the Western people, accept to live according to these rules?

The “international order based on rules is not written, it is not possible to find it in any document or treaty, it is the result of the casuistic interpretation of facts often created artificially.

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The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) summit held on October 25th in Kazan, in the Russian Federation, managed to bring together around 50 high-level delegations from other countries, it was the first with the participation of four new full members – Egypt, Ethiopia, United Arab Emirates and Iran – and created a group of partners highly in tune with the spirit of the organization: Algeria, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Turkey (member of NATO), Uganda, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.

This is no small feat on the world stage. Furthermore, the BRICS interact on an equal footing, value above all the independence and sovereignty of each State involved in the process and negotiate among themselves according to mutually advantageous perspectives, the absolute denial of the imperial spirit still dominant in the system. of life on the planet.

The difference in behaviour, objectives and intentions of this rising renewing group compared to the aggressive but decadent behaviours of the Western world is the great confrontation of our days: between the old imperial and colonial order imposed manu-militari, financial, economic, political and propagandistic by the obsolete minority of the countries of the so-called collective West, the aforementioned rules-based international order; and the full restoration of International Law, the founding principle of BRICS and several other associations of emerging nations such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Belt and Road Initiative, the Association of Southeast Asian Countries (ASEAN) itself) which, step by step, refocus the world’s greatest weight on Eurasia and institute new non-imperial and non-colonial, that is, non-Western, relationship mechanisms.

However, we live in “the hour of monsters”. The sociopaths who, giving vent to the genocidal vocation, of which the actions of extermination and ethnic cleansing carried out by Zionism – in “defense of the West” – and the murderous prolongation of the war in Ukraine sponsored by Western desperation are flagrant examples, increasingly assume with greater and alarming frequency, there are no limits to the possible use of weapons to exterminate life on the planet.

The “international order based on rules is not written, it is not possible to find it in any document or treaty, it is the result of the casuistic interpretation of facts often created artificially and supposed realities that are nothing more than lies or falsifications so that the “ Western interests”, confused, in a permanent coup system, with the rights of all peoples and nations.

The “law” on which the global West is based does not exist, it is not legitimate in the international legal system: it is proof of the fraud that what is still called the “Rule of Law” has become.

In short, the “rules-based international order” is an abuse of authoritarian, undemocratic power, with undeniable fascist overtones that seeks to manage the entire planet by force and under which numerous countries on all continents are still subjugated. It is nothing more than a fiction as an instrument of Law and military, economic, political and diplomatic relations, but we will all be capable, depending on the experience we are living, of recording it in print. It will, without a doubt, be a useful exercise for future memory, now that authentic International Law is gaining new momentum in direct proportion to the failure of the power of the “rules” to which the West continues to cling like a shipwreck.

I elaborate on these lines only one possible version. Any citizen immune to the media control helmet will be able to write their variant; which will certainly not be very different in content.

Here is, therefore, my proposal for the “rules-based international order” to be documented – even if against the will and, obviously, without authorization of those who apply it and thus violate all our rights as citizens.

Rules-Based International Order – The Rules

1. The United States of America is the only Indispensable nation, the Exceptional nation, which is responsible for guiding and commanding the Collective West in defending its interests on any continent, ocean, regions and also in space.

2. The United States of America is the model of the only Democracy recognized as such across the planet and the only financial, economic, military and political system that can be practiced in the world: which results from the full and free functioning of the Market according to principles established in the 1989 Washington Consensus; These norms regulate the implementation and globalization of the neoliberal system inspired by the absolute authority of the theory and practice of the Austrian School of economic thought and applied in full for the first time, through the Chicago School and with recognized success, in the Chilean Revolution of 1973 – which put an end to an inhumane and deviant socialist system.

  • Paragraph 1. The United States and the collective West will be able to tolerate and support expressions and regimes of a fascist, Nazi and Zionist nature if they are essential for the defense of Western interests and the liquidation of theories, currents and political-economic organizations that are inimical to the Market, alien to the Our Civilization and whose sole objective, as extreme expressions of barbarism, is to exterminate and extinguish it completely.
  • Paragraph 2 – The United States and Western countries have the duty and obligation to impose, if necessary through force and other dissuasive methods of intervention, including the correction of existing regimes, the holding of general elections in all nations of the planet according to the unique model, that of Liberal Democracy, originally founded and practiced in the United States of America. Any election results presented as fair and legitimate in any nation on the planet and that do not correspond to the interests of the West and the absolute freedom of the Market will be considered falsified and manipulated, a necessary and sufficient reason for them not to be recognized by Western nations. These nations, primarily the United States of America, reserve the duty to enforce that these entities are isolated, excluded and punished within the international community defined by this International Rules-Based Order.

3. As an Exceptional nation and the only Indispensable one, the United States will not allow the economic and military growth of any other nation, community, union, alliance or association of countries that makes it capable of rivalling or calling into question the innate North American role as guide and commander of world order. This unquestionable principle is also valid in relation to the essential, preventive and permanent containment of the dimensions of the international role that the European Union could hypothetically achieve.

4. The civilizing, religious, civic and human principles followed in the Collective West give shape to the only Civilization that can be considered as such, superior and predominant over any uses, practices and customs followed outside the Western space, which must be considered expressions of societies still in a savage and barbaric state. Superior Civilization is currently expressed through the only democratic, financial, economic, military, political and media system that must be imposed throughout the world until the full realization of globalism – a world without borders and without nations other than, as set out in Article 1, the one Indispensable nation or the One World Government sponsored by It.

5. The West, under the command of the United States of America – a mission previously carried out by other great nations equally inspired by God, Faith, Civilization, Humanism and Authority – has the right, duty and obligation to extend Superior Civilization to all the planet by all means at its disposal.

6. War is the excellent means of defending Western interests; therefore, the possibility of it being used against violators of this International Rules-Based Order will always be open. The West has every right – and obligation – to resort to War whenever Western institutions, with or without UN approval, conclude or even suspect that their interests are being harmed, at risk or threatened. Economic and political sanctions and the use of popular revolutions, also known as colour revolutions, do not replace War itself, they can be useful in achieving the objective of making it easier, more effective and less expensive in terms of Western human lives.

7. Peace is the state or situation found at the end of any War fought and won by Western forces. This is the only and authentic concept of Peace. Pacifist theories and pacifism serve, in practice, to fuel risks and attacks against Western rights and interests, so that they are nothing more than unacceptable and inadmissible manifestations of barbarism.

8. Sole paragraph. As long as traces of manifestations of savagery and barbarism remain, War must be the main concern in the formation and functioning of Western societies. Expensive social areas, often oversized in importance, such as health, education, housing, culture and ecology, must obey the rules of the Market through their full inclusion in the private sector; they will no longer be costly and will become profitable, reducing to a minimum, in this transformative path, the circumstances that still affect the budgetary means indispensable to guarantee the functioning, under ideal conditions, of a permanent state of War.

9. NATO is the only military alliance acceptable and permitted on the international stage and compatible with the defense of Western rights and this International Rules-Based Order. With the entry into force of the Washington Consensus, which is mandatory, NATO no longer has boundaries for its activities as an alliance or within the framework of other variants or versions, notably freedom fighters and other types of altruistic international soldiers committed to freedoms. and democracy (not comparable to mercenaries). Therefore, the Western Military Alliance has the right, duty and obligation to act anywhere on the planet where there are aggressions, threats or suspected threats to Western interests.

10. The Western concept of Security allows and gives the right to Western military contingents to expand to the borders, to surround or even attack and dismantle countries or groups of countries that the West defines as its enemies or barbarians. The Security of any Western country or interest can and must be achieved even if the actions taken harm the security, or even the existence, of third non-Western entities.

11. The enjoyment of the world’s natural wealth and raw materials belongs, by definition based on secular adverse possession, to Western Civilization, and it is up to the United States of America, as an Exceptional and Indispensable nation, to manage and redistribute it among the community of Western nations. For humanist reasons, Western Civilization may allow non-Western entities, even in a savage and barbaric state, under strict control and in the face of proven needs, to use some of these assets in instalments – with the condition that this does not result in the minimum harm to Western interests.

  • Paragraph 1. The fight against climate change is fought under the exclusive command of Our Civilization. Any transnational measure of ecological and environmental content and the green transition itself must take into account the free, superior and sovereign functioning of the Market.
  • Paragraph 2. Western control of the world’s natural wealth and raw materials, as well as the fight against climate change, could lead to the resort to War whenever it is concluded or suspected that the interests of Our Civilization and the freedom of the Market are not duly respected.

12. The only version of reality that exists in the world at any given moment is the one conveyed by the military, financial, economic, political and multiplatform media powers formed by the main global media groups. The unquestionable definition of global reality at each moment may have nuances according to cultural and political expressions that are expressed in the West – but without ever calling into question the only accepted truth. It is the obligation of Western economic-financial, military, political and communication institutions to silence and punish expressions of interests and opinions alien to and contrary to Our Civilization, invariably tuned to and sponsored by barbarism, making it urgent to accelerate this process on the Internet.

The Nations of the Collective West are free to accept or not the entry of refugees foreign to Our Civilization who seek to circumvent, almost always for opportunistic and selfish reasons, the inevitable consequences, such as collateral damage, of wars conducted by Western forces in defense of Western interests. Strict respect for the functioning of the Market determines that the quotas for these admissions are defined only by economic criteria, notably those dictated by the needs of cyclical filling of jobs in indispensable activities but which are less worthy of the state of development and principles of Our Civilization.

Special Article. The State of Israel, although located in geographically eastern territories, is an integral and inalienable part of the Collective West and Our Civilization; It is up to him, notably, to defend Western interests in the region by all the means and methods at his disposal, receiving for this purpose from Western countries, communities, unions, regions and alliances, at each moment, the financial, economic, political, and propaganda and, above all, military and weapons to achieve this essential task and the Rules-Based International Order is strictly applied.

The territory of Israel does not need defined borders, it can be expanded through the occupation, by any means, of the territories between the Nile and Euphrates rivers that it considers indispensable for its security and that of the entire West, because it lives surrounded by barbaric enemies fiercely attached to wild and savage methods. The Zionist doctrine, humanist and divinely mandated, notably regarding the millennial legitimacy of sovereignty over its territory, is an inseparable and irreplaceable component of Western Civilization, especially in geostrategic, geopolitical, military and religious terms through exclusively Western expressions of Faith, Hope, Charity and Piety.

Israel must diplomatically have the entire West on its side in the face of barbaric attempts to achieve its isolation and subsequent disappearance. The so-called “two-state solution”, occasionally and conjunctural defended by authoritative Western voices, emanates only from so-called international law, so it is absolutely incompatible with the Rules-Based International Order.

How much longer will we, the Western people, accept to live according to these rules?

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 4, 2025

See also

March 4, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.