Tag: India

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Just ahead of BRICS showcase summit, Canada riles India with damaging spy accusations
Just ahead of BRICS showcase summit, Canada riles India with damaging spy accusations
October 18, 2024

Trudeau seems to be performing his vassal role of doing the bidding of the U.S. to antagonize India and exert pressure on New Delhi

NATO further shackles 75 year-old Communist China in its spider webs of island chains
October 6, 2024

As the Chinese Communist Party celebrates the 75th anniversary of their state, party poopers necessarily abound within and without their Middle Kingdom.

NATO further shackles 75 year-old Communist China in its spider webs of island chains
How the West changed the direction of Russian oil exports without changing the volumes
How the West changed the direction of Russian oil exports without changing the volumes
October 3, 2024

The western “sanctions” against Russian oil exports resulted in a great shift in export flows, as this infographic demonstrates

Lula e Modi espetaram uma farpa no coração dos BRICS
September 2, 2024

No caso de nos parecer que a Rússia – e China – puxam mais do que os outros… Não teremos boas notícias para o mundo multipolar.

Lula e Modi espetaram uma farpa no coração dos BRICS
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How Lula and Modi drove a splinter through the heart of the BRICS bloc
How Lula and Modi drove a splinter through the heart of the BRICS bloc
September 1, 2024

Without a strong, cohesive and harmonious BRICS bloc, an organized, peaceful and cooperative multipolar world will be threatened.

U.S. military base in Bangladesh at the heart of a revolution
August 21, 2024

The revolution to oust a long-serving leader, who kept the Muslim majority and the Hindu minority in a peaceful coexistence, has opened a new chapter for Bangladesh society.

U.S. military base in Bangladesh at the heart of a revolution
Índia precisa entender corretamente a lição geopolítica do golpe em Bangladesh
Índia precisa entender corretamente a lição geopolítica do golpe em Bangladesh
August 19, 2024

Mudança de regime ocorreu logo após visita de Modi a Moscou e parece ter sido uma retaliação do Ocidente pelos laços entre Índia e Rússia.

India needs to correctly understand the geopolitical lesson of the Bangladesh coup
August 18, 2024

Regime change occurred shortly after Modi’s visit to Moscow and appears to have been Western retaliation for India-Russia ties.

India needs to correctly understand the geopolitical lesson of the Bangladesh coup